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5 Oct, 2018 01:08

Brexit in the doghouse: 'Thousands' of good boys to march on Westminster for ‘Wooferendum’

Brexit in the doghouse: 'Thousands' of good boys to march on Westminster for ‘Wooferendum’

UK Dogs have a bone to pick with Brexit – and they’re taking their paw-litical issue to Westminster. Those behind the ‘Wooferendum’ say the EU Pet Passport scheme may be binned post-Brexit – and man’s best friend isn’t happy.

The EU Pet Passport system currently sees more than 250,000 animals travel overseas with their owners – so pet owners are biting back with a march on Sunday, October 7, to let Theresa May know that Britain’s bulldogs (and other breeds) think she and the plan to divorce the EU are barking mad.

Thousands of doggos and their humans will meet at midday at Waterloo Place in London, before walking along Pall Mall, past Trafalgar Square, into Whitehall, and past Downing Street to Parliament Square. Once there, they will protest, complete with “speeches (and barks)”. After the rally, a pet-ition will be handed to Downing Street – signed by both people and pups alike.

Not everyone, it seems, is thrilled by the Wooferendum and the prospect of thousands of good boys high-tailing it to Westminster to protest. In an opinion piece published in the Times by Libby Purves, she takes aim at the Wooferendum, singling out the campaign as using dogs for “easy anonymity for noisy opinions”. “Yes, that even applies to whoever is ‘Wooferendum – barking against Brexit’,” writes Purves. “Post jolly dog pics all you like, mate, but if it’s serious politics don’t hide under a hound.” She’s obviously not a dog person.

Those behind the Wooferendum confirmed yesterday that they are still waiting for an apology over Purves’ comments, which lumped their canine campaign with "foreign bots".

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