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17 Nov, 2014 08:17

#OpKKK: Anonymous hacks KKK websites, Twitter over Ferguson threats

#OpKKK: Anonymous hacks KKK websites, Twitter over Ferguson threats

Anonymous claims it has taken down several Ku Klux Klan websites and Twitter accounts as part of what internet hacktivists describe as a “cyber war”, inspired by KKK threats of using “lethal force” against Ferguson protesters.

Anonymous listed the KKK websites it put offline Sunday night on its Twitter feed, with reports on the attacks coming with the hashtag #OpKKK.

Some KKK sites that are down right now: http://t.co/NEX4wEJN0Ehttp://t.co/kqQOSFOxxnhttp://t.co/QgjpY8C7Tbhttp://t.co/s8ljopfX85#OpKKK

— Anonymous (@YourAnonNews) November 17, 2014

The group has acknowledged, though, that its anti-KKK action was not running smoothly enough.

A lot of the sites being DDOS'd in #OpKKK seem to be going down, coming up, going back down, coming back up, etc,” Anonymous explained.

Anonymous around the world are Ddos'ing (KKK) servers seen on this digital attack map. #OpKKKpic.twitter.com/VF2ylsjzop (via @EastCoastAnony)

— Anonymous (@YourAnonNews) November 17, 2014

The hacktivists have also announced having taken over two KKK Twitter accounts @KuKluxKlanUSA and @YourKKKCentral.

Based on the direct messages sent from and to this account, we can confirm that this account was run by an official Klan member,” the group posted at one of the hacked accounts, promising more details in a statement coming in a few hours.

16 NOV 2014 09:11:47 You should've expected us. #OpKKK continues to be a success. Freedom will prevail. pic.twitter.com/FUrNzBpVOa

— Ku Klux Klan (@KuKluxKlanUSA) November 16, 2014

The group is targeting the Ku Klux Klan over fliers it distributed among residents of the St. Louis area. The leaflets described protesters in Ferguson as “terrorists” and warned the KKK was ready to use lethal force against them.

READ MORE: Missouri KKK: We will use ‘lethal force’ against Ferguson protesters

The hacktivists reacted to the threats by releasing a video, announcing the launch of a “cyber war” on the KKK.

DDos attacks have already been sent and have infiltrated your servers over the past 2 days… d0x's have also been launched on leaders of the KKK. All information retrieved will be given to the public,” the video says.

The online attacks by the Anonymous come as tensions rise in St Louis, where a decision by a grand jury is expected any day now, though the date of the verdict has not been announced. The ruling will determine whether criminal charges will be brought against white police officer Darren Wilson, who shot unarmed black teenager Michael Brown, killing him.

On Sunday, a crowd of demonstrators staged a peaceful protest in St. Louis, marking 100 days since the fatal shooting. Protesters lay down on chalk-marked areas, pretending to have been shot.
