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25 Aug, 2021 11:06

Russia's ‘Lancet’ state-of-the-art SUICIDE DRONES have begun testing & weapon's final design has been approved – Kalashnikov

Russia's ‘Lancet’ state-of-the-art SUICIDE DRONES have begun testing & weapon's final design has been approved – Kalashnikov

The Russian Ministry of Defense has approved the technical design of ‘Lancet’ self-destructing “suicide drones,” and expects to begin testing by the end of the year, a representative of the manufacturer announced on Wednesday.

The weapon, also known as a “loitering munition” or a “kamikaze drone,” is an aircraft with a built-in warhead designed to be completely destroyed upon impact. One benefit of the drone is that it can also remain in the air for an extended period of time while waiting for its target to be located. Once detected, the drone can immediately move, enabling a quick reaction time.

Speaking at the Army 2021 forum, currently being hosted on the outskirts of Moscow, a representative of Kalashnikov – the drone’s manufacturer – revealed that a deal had been struck with the Russian Ministry of Defense.

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“The drones are capable of carrying a striking warhead weighing up to three kilograms and can stay in the air for up to 30 minutes. When a target is attacked, the drone is completely destroyed,” the representative said, according to news agency RIA Novosti.

Earlier versions of the Lancet, first announced in 2019, have reportedly already been tested in real-life combat in Syria.

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Army 2021 is an International expo hosted at the Kubinka Air Base on the outskirts of Moscow. An annual event, it showcases the latest developments of the Russian military-industrial complex.

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