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25 Feb, 2020 15:26

Forget the Joker & Riddler: Batman faces his most dangerous foe yet... THE MOSCOW TRAFFIC POLICE (VIDEO)

Forget the Joker & Riddler: Batman faces his most dangerous foe yet... THE MOSCOW TRAFFIC POLICE (VIDEO)

The Caped Crusader never worried about the minor details in Gotham, cruising around the city with abandon. However, when the Batmobile arrived in Moscow, local traffic police quickly put a stop to his gallop.

Two Face, Catwoman, the Penguin and Poison Ivy all tried, but failed, to rein in the Dark Knight. Well, perhaps they should have called in Russian backup because driving without license plates has landed the Superhero in trouble with authorities, who duly seized his ride. 

Cops discovered the Batmobile — it was actually a replica of the car, which featured in 'Batman v Superman' and 'Suicide Squad' movies — parked at one of the major streets in the center of the capital.

The massive black vehicle - which looks like a mix between a tank and a Formula One car - didn't violate any traffic rules, but officers noticed that it had no license plates.

With the driver absent — he was most likely fighting crime at that moment — and his car lacking proper registration, the police ordered the Batmobile to be sent to the impoundment lot.

Car evacuation services had to call a special tow truck to move the 4-meter-wide vehicle. They also covered it in plastic to avoid scratches during transportation.

Batman would now have to cash out 50,700 rubles (almost $780) for the towing of his extra large vehicle. Besides, every day it spends at the impoundment lot costs additional 2,300 rubles ($ 35 dollars). All together a hefty sum even for a billionaire like Bruce Wayne! But if the Dark Night hurries and pays the bills before picking his car up, he’ll get a 25 percent discount.

Also on rt.com AK-47 maker Kalashnikov shows off electric ‘Batmobile’ (PHOTO, VIDEO)

But maybe the superhero won't even regret the loss of his ride, as he also has the Batwing, Batboat, Batbike, Batcopter and other state-of-the-art transport in his secret garage.

The replica of the Batmobile was brought to Russia from the US last year. It was put up for sale online for an impressive 55 million rubles ($850,000), and eventually found its owner. It’s unclear, however, how much he actually paid.

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