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9 Oct, 2019 08:56

Even if you're mega-rich, why buy a private jet if you could own a share

Even if you're mega-rich, why buy a private jet if you could own a share

While some of us dream of owning our own jet, the people who can actually afford it sometimes choose not to. Vice president of NetJets Europe, Vadim Horiszny, told RT the jet set have another option.

A subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway, NetJets was founded in 1964 as the world’s first private business jet charter. It offers a fractional ownership model, which means selling part ownership or shares of private business jets.

“Having one plane is managing an airline for that one plane,” Horiszny explained. “You have to pay for pilots, for maintenance, for insurance, for everything. And you may only be using it ten hours a year or even less.”

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With NetJets people pay for the hours they fly, he points out, and that’s why the service is becoming more and more attractive.

Horiszny noted that for businessmen owning a plane means not having a chance to focus on business while also having to manage their aircraft.


“This makes no sense, people should focus on their activity and business, and not spending their time having worries about their plane.”

Horiszny says private aviation has become a very mature market in Europe, but the major weakness of the industry is not having your plane on time.

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“That’s what NetJets guarantees,” according to him. “Thanks to the size of its fleet, infrastructure, the control of the fleet and the number of people we put on each plane.”

The most important thing in private aviation and aviation in general is safety, said Horiszny. Safety is something that “NetJets never compromise, we are very transparent with that,” he said, adding that the firm has “the chance to provide the best service and flexibility because we have over 750 planes.”

Thanks to reliable service NetJets has managed to attract and retain customers, he said. No matter what, it can guarantee clients a plane on time.

“With NetJets everything is consistent; it’s the same price all the time and your plane in 10 hours’ notice… If you have your own contract you fly whenever you want from wherever you want. And this is committed and guaranteed.”
