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14 Jan, 2017 19:08

Trump takes aim at “all talk, no action” civil rights icon John Lewis in latest Twitter spat

Trump takes aim at “all talk, no action” civil rights icon John Lewis in latest Twitter spat

President-elect Donald Trump has once again made himself the target of online vitriol after he criticised 1960s civil rights activist and congressman, John Lewis, for being “all talk, no action.”

The war of words broke out after the Georgia congressman said Friday on NBC News' ‘Meet the Press’ that Trump was not a “legitimate president.”

Democrat representative Lewis said during the broadcast that he believes Russia interfered in the US election campaign and therefore Trump was not a legitimate president.

In usual Trump fashion, the soon-to-be president took to Twitter to fire back at Lewis, suggesting he spend more time looking after his district than making false complaints about the election results.

The comments come after Trump apparently conceded this week that he accepted US Intelligence findings of Russian involvement in US election hacking after consistently refuting them.

Similar to last week’s spat with Meryl Streep over her scathing comments, the Twitterati were quick to hit back at Trump, pointing out that the future president was criticising a civil rights icon during Martin Luther King weekend.

READ MORE: #ThingsTrumpThinksAreOverrated: Social media trolls Trump over Meryl Streep comments

Lewis was part of the ‘Big Six’ civil rights leaders, alongside Martin Luther King, at the height of the civil rights movement as president of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee.

Trump’s tweet stirred huge reaction online led by lawmakers from across the political spectrum who were quick to point out Lewis’ achievements.

Many shared historic images of Lewis, who was arrested more than 40 times and endured physical attacks, during the civil rights era.

However, others took a more skeptical approach to Lewis’ remarks, calling him a ‘career politician’ and suggesting that his notable past does not excuse him from being criticised over current remarks.

Lewis told NBC News that for the first time since his election to Congress he will not attend the president-elect’s inauguration.

READ MORE: Trump ‘plays’ accordion while discussing Russian hacking & Mexico wall in satirical video
