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1 Mar, 2009 04:12

In D.C., conservatives convene to bash Barack

In America, the Republican Party has been trying to reassert itself with rousing rhetoric after finding itself stuck in the shadow of Barack Obama.

Since losing in the presidential elections, the Republicans have been left with a minority of seats in both the Senate and the House of Representatives.

However, the recently held 2009 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) was full of wild words, including the main attraction, Ann Coulter.

The controversial author and political pundit had no qualms about bashing Barack Obama.

“Even Jesus had more executive experience than Barack Obama,” said Coulter at her CPAC appearance.

“Liberals can't stop boasting about their new baby boy. On Thursday, Obama took his first step and on Friday he appointed Rahm Emanuel chief of staff, isn't he adorable?”

The always outspoken Coulter also took time to take shots at the US media.

“Wait until these august members of the press find out that Obama sleeps through the night now without wetting himself,” she said.

Another rising star at the CPAC conference was media sensation Joe the Plumber.

“My role here is to get to know the base here and hopefully generate some excitement,” said Joe the Plumber, whose real name is Samuel Wurzelbacher.

It is in the posh hotel in downtown Washington D.C., the site of the CPAC conference, where the next star of the Republican Party will be born.

The goal for that person? Reclaim conservative power in the American political system.

Ann Coulter seems all but sure that this will happen.

“The media may see Obama as the second coming, but his policies seem to ensure there won't be a second term coming,” Coulter said.
