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19 Sep, 2020 21:23

‘F**k you and your dog!’: Antifa gang attacks car with hammers, threaten dog inside

‘F**k you and your dog!’: Antifa gang attacks car with hammers, threaten dog inside

The temper of a mob is fickle, as a group of Antifa protesters have demonstrated in Philadelphia. In an apparent case of mistaken identity, the mob chased one of their own with hammers, smashed his car, and terrorized his dog.

The leftist protesters gathered in Philadelphia’s Clark Park on Saturday to protest a rally organized by the right-wing Proud Boys. As conservative commentator James Klug was talking on camera to the leftists, one masked man approached him with a baseball bat and slammed it into the ground beside him.

According to Blaze TV’s Elijah Schaffer, the mob mistook the bat-wielding man for one of the right-wingers, and chased him out of the park, to his car.

Surrounding the vehicle, the masked mob smashed its windows with hammers and kicked in its panels. Though the man can’t be seen inside the car, Schaffer claimed he was the same man who was chased out of the park, as did journalist Kalen D’Almeida.

As the rioters pounded on the car, a dog inside began barking, lunging for the smashed rear window and snarling at the mob. “F**k you and your dog,” one man shouted as the driver pulled away.

According to D’Almeida, who filmed the smash-up, none of the Proud Boys actually showed up to the park as planned. D’Almeida wrote on Twitter that “Antifa was waiting ready to attack anyone for any reason today,” while Schaffer shared a video of the masked miscreants physically assaulting right-wing reporter Lisa Reynolds Barbounis.

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