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30 May, 2020 23:11

Los Angeles declares CURFEW as George Floyd protest descends into CHAOS (PHOTOS, VIDEOS)

Los Angeles declares CURFEW as George Floyd protest descends into CHAOS (PHOTOS, VIDEOS)

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti has imposed a curfew from 8pm to ensure the safety of “all citizens,” after massive anti-police-brutality protests erupted into clashes and rioting.

The massive demonstrations, organized by Black Lives Matter activists, were initially peaceful. However, the situation on the ground remained tense, and the rallies descended into clashes with police on Saturday afternoon.

The curfew will apply to downtown Los Angeles, Garcetti explained. The measure was announced in the middle of a fourth consecutive day of protests sparked by the death of an unarmed black man, George Floyd, during his attempted detention by a white police officer in Minneapolis, Minnesota, earlier this week. 

Videos from the scene showed protesters clashing with police, as several patrol cars were vandalized and torched.

Los Angeles has already seen rioting and looting on Friday, when more than 500 people were detained.

Also on rt.com MASSIVE rallies block roads in Los Angeles as anti-police-brutality protesters demand justice for George Floyd (VIDEOS)
