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28 Oct, 2019 19:02

‘Sympathy’ for terrorist? ‘ALL living things suffer’ tweet on al-Baghdadi lands Jamie Lee Curtis in hot water

‘Sympathy’ for terrorist? ‘ALL living things suffer’ tweet on al-Baghdadi lands Jamie Lee Curtis in hot water

Liberal actress Jamie Lee Curtis is taking heat on Twitter for firing off a bizarre response to the raid which killed Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, tweeting with apparent sympathy for the terrorist leader in his last moments of suffering.

Reacting to US President Donald Trump’s triumphalist comments of al-Baghdadi’s death, Curtis pointed out that “ALL living things suffer when they are blown up.” The Hollywood activist continued with a reference to Trump’s lack of military service, writing in the since-deleted tweet: “Anyone who has experienced warfare, unlike yourself, would know that. War is brutal.”

Needless to say, Twitter was bewildered by the fact that Curtis felt the need to draw attention to Baghdadi’s suffering, given that the former Islamic State leader was himself responsible for inflicting much death and suffering in his time.

Many drew the conclusion that anti-Trump liberals simply could not permit Trump to have any kind of win whatsoever — so much so that they would seemingly rather defend a terrorist than give him credit for any success.

Also on rt.com ‘Actor does job’: Fox News gun control hit piece on Jamie Lee Curtis backfires spectacularly

“Trump did it. He made them defend Baghdadi,” writer for the conservative Federalist magazine Erielle Davidson tweeted.

“She’s actually trying to garner sympathy for a terrorist who was responsible for murdering people in absolutely horrific ways, all because she hates Trump,” another user wrote.

Another tweeter told Curtis she was "destroying a lifetime of respect earned excelling at your craft” by publicly sharing such an “insane” thought.

Pollster Nate Silver said it was "amazing" how many liberals could not allow Trump to have even one good day "after US forces kill perhaps the world's most wanted terrorist."

Others pointed out that the raid was named after Kayla Mueller, the American hostage who was tortured and raped by IS militants, including Baghdadi himself, before being killed. Curtis was advised to Google Mueller’s name and “find out why you owe her parents a deep apology for being so incredibly ignorant.”

Curtis managed to end her tweet somewhat less controversially, noting that dogs are “brave, bold, loyal, loving and healing” – a reference to Trump’s comment that the brutal IS leader “died like a dog and a coward.” Twitter was flooded with comments questioning Trump’s repeated references to people “dying,” being “fired” or being “dumped” like a dog.

“No disrespect to the president, but with all his “fired like a dog” and “died like a dog” talk, if I were a shelter I would not let him adopt,” one conservative columnist mused.

Despite Trump’s colorful description of Baghdadi’s final moments, Moscow has remained sceptical of the raid’s outcome – and whether it took place at all. Trump, however, has promised to release some video evidence of the operation, even if partially.

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