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Trump reportedly told Zelensky he wants ‘immediate ceasefire’ | Russia-Ukraine conflict
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Trump reportedly told Zelensky he wants ‘immediate ceasefire’ | Russia-Ukraine conflict
British politicians: Galloway's view
Galloway on Piers Morgan: Unfriended by Trump, avoided by Johnson, the Corona Crusader’s the REAL leader of the opposition
Many people in Britain are pleasantly surprised that Piers Morgan has become a fierce critic of the UK government’s Covid-19 response. But I am not; I’ve known he’s a mensch since the Iraq War.
May 8, 2020 15:50
Galloway’s Rogues’ Gallery: Latest Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer – so wooden, birds try to nest in him
If you want a desiccated calculator as your leader, talking with all the passion of a Speak Your Weight machine, it’s better if he has a head of hair that inspires admiration. Sir Keir Starmer passes that test.
Apr 25, 2020 11:00
British politicians. Galloway's view: 3 nails in Corbyn’s leadership coffin are anti-Semitism, appeasement & attitude to Brexit
Full disclosure: I have known the departing Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour leader whose five year term ended at the weekend, for 40 years, nearly 30 of those as a close colleague in parliament.
Apr 4, 2020 10:10
Galloway’s Rogues Gallery: Boris Johnson, a champagne-swilling cad who routed political opponents only to be sunk low by Covid-19
Boris Johnson’s idea of sending 30 million letters to all British households with envelopes and stamps would be a peculiarly 20th century one, even if the sender wasn’t licking them with coronavirus.
Mar 31, 2020 15:29
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