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23 Nov, 2019 23:35

Football fans fume after Yale-Harvard game disrupted by HUNDREDS of pitch-invading climate protesters (VIDEO)

Football fans fume after Yale-Harvard game disrupted by HUNDREDS of pitch-invading climate protesters (VIDEO)

A football game between two elite Ivy League universities froze for about an hour as a crowd of students and alumni staged a protest against investment in fossil fuels right on the playing field – and sparked an online outrage.

It was after the second quarter of the game at the Yale Bowl, New Haven, Connecticut, when scores of protesters from both colleges stormed the field, carrying banners and placards that accused the two prestigious universities of being “complicit in climate injustice” by investing in fossil fuel companies.

Protesting under the slogan “nobody wins”, the climate activists that reportedly formed their movements as early as in 2012, demanded the colleges stop investing in oil, gas and coal companies.

Between 40 and 50 students rushed to the field first and attempted to stage a sit-in. They were soon followed by some 500 others, local media estimated. While most protesters then dispersed peacefully, a small group of activists refused to leave the field, forcing the police and the security officials to move in and take them away.

The controversial action immediately received an outpouring of praise on social media, where supporters called their action “amazing” and “incredible.”

But there was no shortage of those, who thought that mixing sport and political activism was a bad decision.

Many criticized the protesters for interrupting the game and spoiling the fun for others, whatever their beliefs were.

The most disgruntled commenters even began suggesting how to deal with the annoying pitch invaders in those situations.

Eventually, the game resumed as the pitch was cleared after about an hour-long delay.

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