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10 Jul, 2023 17:10

Russia now ‘mass producing’ hypersonic missiles – Rostec 

Kinzhal missiles have been fully developed and available to the military in required quantities, CEO Vladimir Artyakov has reported 
Russia now ‘mass producing’ hypersonic missiles – Rostec 

The Russian air-launched Kinzhal hypersonic missile has gone into mass production and is now manufactured in quantities sufficient to meet the needs of the military, an executive for the Rostec defense conglomerate has reported. The weapon is widely perceived as impossible to intercept, though Kiev claims it has shot down many of the projectiles.  

“Previously, our production was to a degree [influenced by a need] to fully complete the research and development, but now we have moved to serial production in earnest,” Vladimir Artyakov, the deputy CEO of the state-owned company, told Russian television on Monday. “So, whatever the Defense Ministry asks of us, we do that with quality and deliver the quantities it requires.”  

Modern air defense systems cannot intercept Kinzhal missiles, contrary to Ukrainian claims, Artyakov assured. Kiev’s statements are “part of the propaganda effort by our enemy,” he stated.  

The Kinzhal is an aeroballistic projectile launched from a dedicated platform, a variant of the MiG-31 interceptor. It may have been derived from ballistic missiles meant for the Iskander ground launcher, some military experts believe.  

Officials in Kiev claimed to have intercepted about a dozen Kinzhals. They said the US-made Patriot system, being a superior piece of military equipment, is capable of stopping the fast-moving weapon.  

Ukrainian Defense Minister Aleksey Reznikov claimed in an interview with The Financial Times last week that American military officials called the purported achievement “fantastic.” However, a visiting senior Chinese official was doubtful and left Kiev, before they could present any proof, the minister added.  

Kiev has shown debris to the public from what it asserts to be a downed Kinzhal. The Russian military stated that the claimed number of Ukrainian intercepts was higher than the number of hypersonic weapons actually fired during the hostilities.
