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23 Nov, 2020 16:37

Wayne Dupree: My family Thanksgiving this week will be business as usual. There’ll be no Covid restrictions at my dinner table

Wayne Dupree: My family Thanksgiving this week will be business as usual. There’ll be no Covid restrictions at my dinner table

It’s time we Americans rose up against all these enforcements on our personal liberties. I truly believe it is a trial run aimed at controlling us again in the future over some other ‘threat’, and the fightback begins now.

Burning down the city and beating up business owners? No problem. Enjoy some Turkey and stuffing with a few law-abiding citizens? Nope, that’s a crime and a threat to public health. I’ve heard and seen just about stupid enough in 2020 to last me a lifetime.

Governors across the country have issued coronavirus restrictions ahead of Thursday’s Thanksgiving as cases continue to increase, and officials are advising people to “cancel,” yes, cancel, their usual celebrations.

I think it’s fair to say that Democrats don’t believe in freedom. They want mommy-and-daddy government to tell them what to do, how to live, what they can and cannot eat and drink, how many and what kind of friends they can have, to tell them who the bad people are, and to buy them things.

Also on rt.com Wayne Dupree: Here’s 5 things President Trump should do now to thwart potential election sabotage this November

As for this virus, it can no longer be called the Wuhan or China flu, or even Covid-19. No, this has to be the Einstein Virus, because it is so damned smart it knows who to infect and on what day and time it can infect them. This “pandemic,” I truly believe, is being used to see what and how far government officials can get away with in the future.

Will they be able to force lockdowns over a 0.01 percent increase in global temperatures? Based upon how well we have all obeyed these orders, I’d say that’s a layup for the powers that be.

So, the question remains: how do we say no more without being fined or cited, and have what’s left of our individual liberties and freedoms immediately impugned and reversed? I honestly don’t know. Hypocrisy is rampant at the ruling levels; that’s nothing new, nor is it set to change anytime soon. Again, though, how do we, as freedom-loving, law-abiding citizens, say no more to the draconian diktats being forced down our throats?

It’s easy enough to do what we will as small groups and individuals, but I wouldn’t say I like the idea that I could be fined or cited when I sit down with seven members of my family for Thanksgiving. We have elections to vote out those politicians who impose such needless restrictions, and it’s obvious we need more freedom-loving Americans to rise up to help thwart the nonsense going on now, but what about immediately? I’m all ears. I’m pissed. And I’m ready to serve my nation in a more direct and fuller capacity.

But, then we do have a medical fraud being imposed on us congruent with election fraud. Apparently, half the country gleefully, idiotically voted for a permanent, lifetime lockdown.

Also on rt.com Republicans & Democrats clash over how to celebrate Thanksgiving amid pandemic after AOC says her family will gather via ZOOM CALL

If the globalists can convince healthy people to quarantine because they are somehow spreading infections they do not have, they can easily manipulate the entire election process using communist-inspired election software.

As Trump’s coronavirus task force member, Dr. Scott Atlas, has said that the only way for this to end is if people rise! We are adults; we will decide for ourselves what is an acceptable risk. Liberty: it’s awesome, and it’s produced prosperity and safety everywhere it’s been tried.

So I for one have had enough of this. I will be celebrating Thanksgiving and Christmas with my family. Period. Nobody will tell me who I can allow into my home or how many people can be there. When my whole family is together, there are 18 of us, and we’ve been around each other throughout this whole thing. The government can keep its nose out of my house and my personal business.

If people want to sit in a closet, wear a mask, and wrap themselves in bubble wrap, that’s their choice. Good for them. I choose to celebrate the holidays responsibly with my family. Just look at the numbers. Lockdowns didn’t slow the infection rate. Masks didn’t slow the infection rate. They’ve had no positive impact whatsoever.

This isn’t about infection rates or even deaths. This is about control. These people want to keep us home, keep us separated from each other, and “reset” the economy while we’re home alone. Some of them, such as Canada’s Justin Trudeau, have actually said as much.

My neighbor on the property behind me is having his family for Thanksgiving, many from out of state. To avoid being dimed out by some Karen, he will park several of his guest’s cars around the corner in front of my house. We aren’t hosting the big family party this year, so the coast will be clear.

I hope someone knocks on my door to ask about what I am doing inside my own home.

Democrats restricting the celebration of Thanksgiving has nothing to do with Thanksgiving itself. It has everything to do with their plans to abolish Christmas in 2020, and their eventual aims of banning the Bible and removing Christianity from America. They despise these fundamental principles on which our republic was formed, and on which the majority of us continue to live our lives. As long as the Bible exists, they will not rest.

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