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17 Dec, 2018 02:48

Naked & bloodied activists depict pile of skinned animals in shock Barcelona flashmob (VIDEO)

Naked & bloodied activists depict pile of skinned animals in shock Barcelona flashmob (VIDEO)

Animal rights activists have marched naked and covered in fake blood, in a shocking public protest at the center of Barcelona demanding an end to animal cruelty and the use of fur by the luxury brand industry.

A crowd of roughly 50 AnimaNaturalis activists gathered in Barcelona's Plaza de Catalunya on Sunday at 11:00am. Stripping naked and to the surprise of onlookers, they covered themselves in fake blood before piling on top on one another in a well-known square.

Imitating a pile of lifeless skinned animals, the activists lay motionless, with one activist holding up a sign that read: “How many lives for a coat?” Dozens of amazed witnesses observed the bloody, dead-silent macabre performance before a shout – ‘cruelty is not elegant!’ – wrapped up the performance.

“The use of leather garments has been mistakenly associated with luxury and fashion,” organizer Cristina Ibáñez explained. There are many ways to dress without having to “snatch the skin and life of an animal,” she added, demanding that fur farms be banned in Spain.

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