Global leaders meet for G20 summit in Australia

14 Nov, 2014 09:27 / Updated 10 years ago

The world’s largest advanced and emerging economies are gathering in the Australian city of Brisbane for the annual G20 summit. Global security, post-economic crisis recovery and financial reform will top the agenda.

16 November 2014

"In spite of our profound differences over Ukraine and Syria, it is worth keeping up a dialogue with Putin" - @David_Cameron#G20#9News

— Nine News Australia (@9NewsAUS) November 16, 2014

British PM David Cameron said at the press conference that G20 leaders view Ukraine’s crisis as a "test of the political will of the United States and the countries of the European Union."

"I think we will meet that test. I think we have done so far. I think people have been surprised that the European Union and the United States of America have moved in tandem to say that what happened in Crimea, that what’s happening in Ukraine, is unacceptable."

Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund @Lagarde is addressing the media as #G20 comes to a close.

— 7News Brisbane (@7NewsBrisbane) November 16, 2014

Thanks to all the #G20Brisbane staff and volunteers for your hard work - you have done an amazing job

— Tony Abbott (@TonyAbbottMHR) November 16, 2014

The 'Beast' is on the move: US President @BarackObama is heading to Herston where Marine One is waiting.

— 7News Brisbane (@7NewsBrisbane) November 16, 2014

.@BarackObama#G20 | "We are looking for a credible solution in #Syria. We are not actively looking to remove #Assad"

— Aus News Network (@AusNewsNetwork) November 16, 2014

Our Prime Minister @TonyAbbottMHR headed home to

— Brisbane Airport (@BrisbaneAirport) November 16, 2014

At least 50 indigenous rights activists burned the Australian flag in Brisbane on the sidelines of the G20 summit. They were outraged by recent remarks from the country’s PM Tony Abbott stating that before colonization in 1788, the country was “nothing except bushes” – apparently forgetting about the country's indigenous peoples.

"He [Abbott] refers to this country as desolate (prior to the arrival of the first fleet)," activist Wayne Wharton told Australian Associated Press. "He welcomes the world leaders and tells them there was nothing.

"So we have to resort to symbolism to show our disgust in your colonial leadership," he added.

Indigenous rights protesters burn Au... |

— MILLISSA MATHAI (@MillissaMathai) November 16, 2014

Indigenous protest group burns the Australian flag at #Brisbane#g20 rally

— Alyse Edwards (@Alyse_Edwards) November 16, 2014

President @fhollande delivers his verdict on the #Brisbane plan - in fluent French of course.

— 7News Brisbane (@7NewsBrisbane) November 16, 2014

Barack Obama said he had several conversations with Vladimir Putin at the summit in Brisbane as well as at Beijing’s APEC summit. “I would characterise them as typical of our interactions, which are business-like and blunt,” he said.

Italian Prime Minister @matteorenzi leaving Australia

— Nine News Brisbane (@9NewsBrisbane) November 16, 2014

US President @BarackObama is taking questions from the audience after delivering his verdict on the #Brisbane plan.

— 7News Brisbane (@7NewsBrisbane) November 16, 2014

“President Putin is a member of the G20 and I was happy to treat him with respect and courtesy while he was in Australia,” Australian PM Tony Abbott said during his press conference at G20 summit in Brisbane.

Talks on #Ukraine crisis and #TTIP between US President @BarackObama and EU leaders at

— Herman Van Rompuy (@euHvR) November 16, 2014

.@euHvR & @JunckerEU meet #UNSG Ban Ki-moon. Topics:#Ukraine#ClimateChange & #EbolaResponse.

— UN Spokesperson (@UN_Spokesperson) November 16, 2014

"There has been good unity between European countries, U.S. that we will continue to maintain the sanctions against Russia" - @David_Cameron

— Nine News Brisbane (@9NewsBrisbane) November 16, 2014

Putin leaves Brisbane #G20 summit

— RT (@RT_com) November 16, 2014

A big turn out to farewell Angela Merkel the Chancellor of Germany.

— Brisbane Airport (@BrisbaneAirport) November 16, 2014

#G20 | Hundreds of protesters are marching through #Brisbane's CBD.

— Aus News Network (@AusNewsNetwork) November 16, 2014

China to host G20 summit in 2016, Australian PM Tony Abbott announced on Sunday.

ABBOTT: "It is my great pleasure to announce that China will be the #G20 host in 2016."

— 7News Brisbane (@7NewsBrisbane) November 16, 2014

#G20 guests treated to a performance from @qldballet@QAGOMA in

— Australia G20 (@G20Australia) November 15, 2014

At the Convention Centre in #Brisbane, PM @TonyAbbottMHR has delivered the #G20 Communique to the world.

— 7News Brisbane (@7NewsBrisbane) November 16, 2014

Following an avalance of media speculations over the motives for his early departure from the G20 summit, the Russian President Vladimir Putin explained the move by saying he had a long trip back to Moscow before returning to work on Monday.

“Just to avoid speculations here, I am not going to the events tomorrow. I am leaving the finance minister in my place, who will report on Russia’s effort in fighting the Ebola outbreak,”
he said.

“The trip from here to Vladivostok is nine hours. And nine hours more from Vladivostok to Moscow. I’d like to get home before going to work on Monday. And have at least four or five hours of sleep. So I told that to Tony [Abbott] and he bore with me. There are no other considerations here.”

Earlier, some media implied that Putin would leave the summit early because other world leaders pressured him over Russia’s position on the Ukrainian crisis. Putin denied the reported hostility, saying that the reality of the summit was different from what the media described, and the atmosphere was constructive.

Ukraine’s decision to sever economic ties with rebel-held areas and stop funding local public services is a big mistake which does not help the locals gain trust in Kiev, President Putin said.

READ MORE: Putin: Economic blockade of E. Ukraine a ‘big mistake’

The Russian president praised the attitude of Australians in Brisbane and the hospitality of Prime Minister Tony Abbot, who played host to the event, at a media conference following a series of official G20 meetings.

While many media outlets, both in Australia and in other countries, implied that Putin had an icy welcome at G20 summit, the actual atmosphere at the event was quite cordial, the Russian leader said.

“I took a look at the local press and other media after I arrived here. There was some whipping up of the tension. The actual reality and the virtual life as reported by the media – at least in this particular case – differed a lot,” Putin stressed.

Satisfied with results & atmosphere of #G20 summit – Putin WATCH LIVE

— RT (@RT_com) November 16, 2014

During the G20 talks, there was a common understanding that economic sanctions against Russia harm both their targets and the countries imposing them, and a way out of the current situation is urgently needed, Russian President Vladimir Putin told journalists at a press conference in Brisbane.

“I believe there is a common understanding that this statement does not only deserve a right to exist, but is the only true one,” Putin said.

Putin: Sanctions harm all sides, it’s a general understanding LIVE:

— RT (@RT_com) November 16, 2014

Brisbane’s strict security measures are unsurprising, considering the attendance of many dignitaries. However, some of the city's banned items could raise a few eyebrows. These objects include swords, flour bags, and even live turtles.

In a situation appropriate for the discussion of climate change, the temperature in Brisbane rose to 34 degrees Celsius as a heatwave settled on eastern Australia. The scolding heat is hard on both security forces and protesters, who are unable to enjoy air conditioning in the streets of the G20 host city.

Police officer leaves a cold bottle of water for lone protester outside #g20 summit

— Nick Wiggins (@nick__w) November 15, 2014

The final day of the G20 summit has kicked off with bilateral and trilateral meetings between the leaders of twenty world powers.

Talks have started between @TonyAbbottMHR, @BarackObama and @AbeShinzo.

— Nine News Brisbane (@9NewsBrisbane) November 15, 2014

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is at #Brisbane's Convention Centre for day two of #G20 talks.

— 7News Brisbane (@7NewsBrisbane) November 15, 2014

Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund @Lagarde has met with @theqldpremier for more #G20 talks.

— 7News Brisbane (@7NewsBrisbane) November 16, 2014

15 November 2014

Watch RT’s Egor Piskunov wrap-up the first day of the G20 summit.

Russian President Putin had bilateral meetings with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the new president of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, after the evening program of G20 summit. According to the Kremlin’s press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, long and detailed conversations took place. The talks focused on bilateral relations between Russia, Germany, and Brussels. Putin also gave them the detailed Russian approach to the crisis in eastern Ukraine.

The Russian president's press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, has denied reports, saying Vladimir Putin plans to leave the G20 summit ahead of time due to pressure over Ukraine.

"The G20 summit ends tomorrow (on Sunday) and Vladimir Putin will surely leave it – when all the work is finished, the president will leave. The report by Reuters is wrong. The issue of the sanctions is being widely and actively discussed during all bilateral meetings, but there’s no pressure,” Peskov told Kommersant FM radio.

Earlier, Reuters cited an unnamed source in the Russian delegation, who said that Putin planned to skip Sunday’s working session at the two-day summit in Brisbane, after Western leaders threatened more sanctions against Moscow.

#G20 delegates enjoyed a working dinner at the Queensland Art Gallery this evening.

— Nine News Brisbane (@9NewsBrisbane) November 15, 2014

Australian koalas were trained for cuddling sessions with world leaders during the G20 summit in Brisbane. Vladimir Putin, Tony Abbott and other leaders have had photo-ops with the animals.

Putin & Abbott during 'koala session' before #G20Brisbane (via @LanaLukash) LIVE UPDATES

— RT (@RT_com) November 15, 2014

Large group of #G20 leaders are walking along the river at #Southbank.

— 7News Brisbane (@7NewsBrisbane) November 15, 2014

The Ukraine crisis was the main issue of the meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin, UK PM David Cameron and France’s President Francois Hollande, said Putin’s press secretary, Dmitry Peskov.

“Putin and Cameron expressed interest in restoring relations [between Russian and the West] as well as applying effective measures in solving Ukraine’s crisis,” he said.

Prime Minister @TonyAbbottMHR walking outside @QAGOMA with Indonesian President

— Nine News Brisbane (@9NewsBrisbane) November 15, 2014

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and US President @BarackObama are outside @QAGOMA.

— 7News Brisbane (@7NewsBrisbane) November 15, 2014

G20 leaders have been ceremonially welcomed by Aboriginal Australians, who put on a colorful show at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre.

#G20 leaders welcomed to #Brisbane and Australia in Welcome to Country performance

— Australia G20 (@G20Australia) November 15, 2014

President Francois Hollande of France has met his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin and expressed his confidence that “the turbulence” in world politics won’t last much longer.

He added that France is ready to make its contribution to solve the crisis in Ukraine, and is hopeful a reconciliatory result can be achieved.

UK PM @David_Cameron is at @QAGOMA for the #G20 leaders cocktail function.

— 7News Brisbane (@7NewsBrisbane) November 15, 2014

President of the People's Republic of China, Xi Jinping, at @QAGOMA for the leaders’ cocktail reception

— Nine News Brisbane (@9NewsBrisbane) November 15, 2014

And they're off - the #G20 world leaders set off on a walk along the #Brisbane River.

— 7News Brisbane (@7NewsBrisbane) November 15, 2014

Climate angels say they won't leave without speaking to PM Tony Abbott

— Kathy McLeish (@kathymcleish1) November 15, 2014

During the summit in Brisbane, G20 Leaders released a statement on the Ebola outbreak.

“We are deeply concerned about the Ebola outbreak in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone and saddened by the suffering and loss of life it is inflicting. We are mindful of the serious humanitarian, social and economic impacts on those countries, and of the potential for these impacts to spread,” says the statement.

World leaders and their partners are attending a #G20 reception at @QAGOMA before dinner at the Qld Art Gallery.

— 7News Brisbane (@7NewsBrisbane) November 15, 2014

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that the current political situation in Ukraine is unacceptable and so the EU is considering further sanctions on Russian individuals.

"The present situation is not satisfying," she told reporters. "At present the listing of further persons is on the agenda."

In Brisbane, Australia, Vladimir Putin had a meeting with Prime Minister of Italy Matteo Renzi

— MFA Russia (@mfa_russia) November 15, 2014

The UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urged G20 leaders to intensify “international response to the outbreak of Ebola in West Africa.”

"As rates decline in one area, they are rising in others. Transmission continues to outpace the response from the international community. I urge the leaders of G20 countries to step up," he said.

.@UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has arrived at @QAGOMA for the leaders’ cocktail reception

— Nine News Brisbane (@9NewsBrisbane) November 15, 2014

Russian President Vladimir Putin has met UK PM David Cameron behind closed doors. They shook hands and asked the journalists to leave the room.

Vladimir Putin met with Prime Minister of Great Britain David Cameron

— MFA Russia (@mfa_russia) November 15, 2014

#G20 | World leaders are arriving at the Gallery of Modern Art, #Brisbane for a cocktail reception hosted by @QAGOMA

— Aus News Network (@AusNewsNetwork) November 15, 2014

About 2,000 activists have demonstrated in Brisbane next to the G20 summit venue at South Bank. The protesters marched peacefully chanting "genocidal 20" and "resist, revive, decolonize". Earlier one woman was charged after police found a gas mask in her belongings. She was excluded from the G20 area.

COMING UP: Three people were arrested during #G20 protests today in

— 7News Brisbane (@7NewsBrisbane) November 15, 2014

People's rally in Brisbane

— Monika Kalinowska (@mkalinowskaa) November 15, 2014

#G20 ‘family photo’ as world leaders wrap up first day of talks in Brisbane – LIVE UPDATES

— RT (@RT_com) November 15, 2014

RT’s Egor Piskunov, who is reporting live from the G20 summit, says the organizers of the event have prepared excellent conditions for the world leaders.

Tony Abbott, Australian PM, has delivered the first remarks at the first session of the G20.

“Yes, our world can grow and, yes, our world can deliver the jobs that our people want. There have been many conferences which have talked about what we want. This conference, thanks to the good work of our finance ministers, thanks to the good work of our officials, is about how we will deliver,” he said.

LIVE: World leaders are beginning to take their seats at the #G20 table.

— 7News Brisbane (@7NewsBrisbane) November 15, 2014

Youngest Indigenous dancer is 6yo, unfazed by dancing for #G20 leaders but excited to be on TV.

— Nine News Brisbane (@9NewsBrisbane) November 15, 2014

The first working session of G20 leaders has begun in Brisbane, Australia. A wide range of questions, including infrastructure spending, taxes, the global economic situation, and anti-corruption will be discussed at the meeting.

The opening ceremony of the #G20 Leaders’ Summit took place in Brisbane, Australia -

— MFA Russia (@mfa_russia) November 15, 2014

Climate Angels at the Creative culture-jamming. Its like a Wim Wenders movie at #G20Brisbane.

— Matthew Rimmer (@DrRimmer) November 15, 2014

UK PM David Cameron will present ceramic poppies from the Tower of London Remembrance display to six G20 world leaders. The symbolic flowers represent a British or Commonwealth casualty of the First World War.

"The extraordinary poppy display at the Tower of London caught the imagination of so many people across Britain and I wanted to share some of that with my fellow Commonwealth leaders, recognizing the sacrifice their countries made to secure our freedom," said Cameron

The leaders who will receive unique gifts will be Narendra Modi, PM of India, John Key, PM of New Zealand, Stephen Harper, PM of Canada, Lee Hsien Loong, PM of Singapore and President Jacob Zuma of South Africa.

Ceramic poppies to be given to six Commonwealth leaders at G20 summit

— ITV News (@itvnews) November 15, 2014

G20 leaders’ wives have visited Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary to see some iconic Australian wildlife. They met koalas, sheep dogs, and fed kangaroos. The visit was hosted by the wife of Australian PM Tony Abbott, Margie Abbott.

“Thank you Margie Abbott for hosting all of the #G20 spouses at the @lonepinekoala Sanctuary today,” wrote Laureen Harper, the wife of Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper, on Twitter.

Fluffy #G20: Leaders' wives pose with cute koalas during #Brisbane summit

— RT (@RT_com) November 15, 2014

Look at the wives.

— Jon Donnison (@JonDonnison) November 15, 2014

A special moment at @lonepinekoala where #G20 spouses spent the day cuddling koalas.

— 7News Brisbane (@7NewsBrisbane) November 15, 2014

Thank you Margie Abbott for hosting all of the #G20 spouses at the @lonepinekoala Sanctuary today.

— Laureen Harper (@LaureenHarper) November 15, 2014

Health workers in #Ebola zone need 2 b supported & not discriminated: #UNSG Ban Ki-moon at #G20.

— UN Spokesperson (@UN_Spokesperson) November 15, 2014

Beautiful pictures from inside the #G20 'Welcome to Country' ceremony which finished only moments ago.

— 7News Brisbane (@7NewsBrisbane) November 15, 2014

#G20 | Opening ceremony is underway at the #Brisbane Convention Centre.

— Aus News Network (@AusNewsNetwork) November 15, 2014

A brief but cordial greeting for Russian President Vladimir Putin.

— Nine News Australia (@9NewsAUS) November 15, 2014

"Now we work." - PM @TonyAbbottMHR. Delegates sit down to begin important #G20 round table discussions.

— Nine News Australia (@9NewsAUS) November 15, 2014

Protester says he was arrested for wearing a mask.

— Nine News Brisbane (@9NewsBrisbane) November 15, 2014

Welcoming #G20 leaders to an Australian BBQ

— Tony Abbott (@TonyAbbottMHR) November 15, 2014

Australian police detained two female demonstrators in Brisbane, but no formal arrests have been made, AAP reported. The individuals were being spoken to by police for possessing some prohibited items. The women had a banner with them.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel took a break from world politics on the first night of the G20, visiting a pub in Brisbane. She snapped selfies with tourists and shook hands with locals.

German Chancellor Angela #Merkel having a good time in #CaxtonStreet. Pic: Sarah Keayes

— Аясніё Моояэ (@ArchieM00re) November 14, 2014

Read more: Party frau: Merkel spotted mingling with pub drinker on first G20 night

Critics of Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott had a few harsh comments on his focus after he addressed the G20 leaders at an informal meeting at Queensland State Parliament. Acting as the host of the event, Abbot spent roughly half his speech describing his successes and challenges on domestic issues.

“When I was elected, I made four promises to the Australian people. First that I would repeal the carbon tax – and that’s gone. Second, that I would stop the illegal boats that were coming to our country – and they have, thank God, stopped,” the prime minister explained, further describing his government’s road building efforts and attempts to cut budget spending.

But those actions of the government are considered controversial in Australia. Environmental activists are not happy with his favoring of the coal industry and resistance to cutting carbon emissions. And the measures Australia is taking to curb illegal immigration are considered inhumane by some human rights activists.

World leaders fascinated by @TonyAbbott#G20 speech

— Katz (@ozkatz) November 15, 2014

This is where the hottest ticket in Brisbane gets you. Pres Obama expected on stage in about 2 hours.

— Joel Dry (@JoelDry9) November 15, 2014

Most of the G20 leaders have gathered in Brisbane. Leaders of the BRICS nations – a semi-formal block of emerging economies, which includes Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – have held an unofficial meeting on the sidelines of the summit.

The leaders discussed a roadmap for the BRICS development bank, a future financial institution that would act as a mutual investment fund for members of the club.

“Common mechanisms are emerging that would allow us to stabilize national capital markets in crisis situation in the global economy,” Russian President Putin said.

The Russian leader also took the chance to personally invite his counterparts to Russia’s city of Ufa, where the next BRICS summit will be held in early July 2015.

14 November 2014

New Zealand PM @johnkeypm and his wife getting into the motorcade at @BrisbaneAirport.

— 7News Brisbane (@7NewsBrisbane) November 14, 2014

Security across Brisbane has been stepped up in light of the G20 summit, including a number of road closures and checkpoints.

A circle of security has been established around the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, where the summit is being staged. Officials entering the zone must go through X-ray searches and police bomb squad inspection.

Just a routine bomb check outside the #G20 venue.

— Stephen Stockwell (@stephenstockwel) November 14, 2014

More than 6,000 police officers and 900 soldiers are on the streets ahead of the summit, which is costing $500 million.

The EU “will use all the diplomatic tools, including sanctions,” to deal with the crisis in Ukraine, European Council president Herman Van Rompuy told journalists at the G20 summit in Brisbane.

He said the sanctions already imposed against Russia may be rolled backed if Moscow abides by its obligations under the Minsk ceasefire agreement. Otherwise, the EU is “willing to consider” additional sanctions, he said, adding that EU foreign ministers will be discussing the issue on Monday.

Rompuy called on Kiev and Ukrainian rebels to abide by the ceasefire agreement, which was brokered by Russia in September.

Meeting with India's PM @narendramodi. We talked about improving trade links, and I invited him to visit the UK.

— David Cameron (@David_Cameron) November 14, 2014

Other disparate protests have been held in Australia to bring attention to slew of causes during the global summit. Australian police, however, appear to be ready to keep a lid on any protests that could get out of hand. The police have already reversed a decision allowing protesters to use megaphones, and have issued warnings saying that anyone covering their faces can expect to be stopped by police.

"No masks, No eggs, No leniency" has become a popular slogan to describe the police approach.

Four people have already been banned from the inner Brisbane area, including Ciaron O'Reilly. O’reilly had hoped to ask Us President Barack Obama to pardon Chelsea Manning and to facilitate Julian Assange’s exit from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.

Tibetan council protests Chinese repression, calls on #G20 to unite & confront Xi Jingping

— Joshua Robertson (@jrojourno) November 14, 2014

About 50 independent legal observers, supplied by the local Caxton Legal Centre, are monitoring all #G20 protests

— Rachel Olding (@rachelolding) November 14, 2014

TONIGHT: The first official #G20 protests attract plenty of police attention in

— 7News Brisbane (@7NewsBrisbane) November 14, 2014

Even the dogs are hitting the streets to protest during #G20 in Brisbane

— Louisa Rebgetz (@louisarebgetz) November 14, 2014

More than 500 people attended a protest some 200 miles from the G20 venue to draw attention to Aboriginal deaths in the country. Police eventually dispersed the demonstrators, though no arrests were reported.

The US, Japan and Australia are expected to ramp up military and security cooperation after the three allies met on the sidelines of the G20 summit for the first time in 7 years, The Australian reports.

The meeting could further escalate tensions with China at a time when Tokyo, Washington and Canberra seek to mend ties with Beijing.

While Australia's PM Tony Abbott decided to leave climate change off of the G20 agenda, the World Bank has made a not so subtle reminder that reduction of C02 should stay on the world leaders' agenda.

To stay under 2C as countries agreed, net CO2 emissions must drop to near 0 after 2050:

— World Bank (@WorldBank) November 14, 2014

#UNSG Ban Ki-moon arrives in Brisbane for

— UN Spokesperson (@UN_Spokesperson) November 14, 2014

Brisbane becomes a ghost town as it hosts G20.

Just officially welcomed @pmharper to

— Scott Emerson (@scottemerson) November 14, 2014

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s plane has landed in Brisbane for the G20 summit.

And welcome Canada to BNE and

— Brisbane Airport (@BrisbaneAirport) November 14, 2014

It took nearly 10 minutes for Xi Jiping's plane door to open. After Bono's recent midair adventure, there was some speculation that another plane door scandal was upon us.

#China President Xi Jinping wins biggest plane award at

— Marty Silk (@MartySilkHack) November 14, 2014

Chinese President Xi Jinping is set to arrive.

Putin's arrival in Brisbane has certainly stirred a lot of interest.

Only @7NewsBrisbane had live coverage of #Putin arriving at his #Brisbane Hotel. Big crowds

— Peter Doherty (@PeterDoherty7) November 14, 2014

Not everyone, however, has been thrilled with the constant procession of world leaders.

Having a thrilling Friday night watching the world's leaders fly past our house #G20#G20Brisbane#livingundertheflightpath#Morningside

— K&J (@kirknjosh) November 14, 2014

Germany Angela Merkel has arrived at the #G20 terminal. They hope to crack down on tax loopholes at summit.

— S Marshall-McCormack (@ShannonMM9) November 14, 2014

Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel is set to touch down in Brisbane.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has arrived in Australia to take part in the #G20 Summit in #Brisbane.

— Australian Newsdesk (@AusNewsNetwork) November 14, 2014

Putin on Australian soil

— Patrick Cross (@patrickjcross) November 14, 2014

Russian President Vladimir Putin plans to hold bilateral talks with Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel on the sidelines of the G20 summit, Interfax news agency reports, citing Putin's press secretary.

Merkel had previously announced her intention to meet with Putin to discuss the ongoing situation in Ukraine.

UK Prime Minister David Cameron and his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi have their first face to face talks in Brisbane.

Meeting with India's PM @narendramodi. We talked about improving trade links, and I invited him to visit the UK.

— David Cameron (@David_Cameron) November 14, 2014

Australia. Putin has landed. This is not a drill. #G20 LIVE UPDATES

— RT (@RT_com) November 14, 2014

Russian President Vladimir Putin has arrived in Australia to take part in the G20 Summit in Brisbane. Putin is planning to meet the leaders of the BRICS countries (Brazil, India, China, and South Africa) ahead of the summit to discuss the activities of the New Development Bank (NDB).

‘Economic isolation a breach of intl law': Top takeaways from Putin ahead of #G20

— RT (@RT_com) November 14, 2014

Sanctions introduced by members of the G20 against Russia contradict the very principles of the summit’s activities, as well as international law, Russian President Vladimir Putin told TASS news agency ahead of the G20 meeting in Brisbane, Australia.

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu has called for a more inclusive G20 which would give voice to lower income nations. Turkey, which is slated to take over the G20 presidency in 2015, said it intended to broaden the scope of the G20’s activities, with issues such as the Ebola outbreak, refugees and terrorism being placed on the agenda.

"During our presidency we want to be the voice of everybody," Reuters cites Davutoglu as telling a conference in Brisbane.

"If the G20 agenda is only limited to financial issues, the G20 cannot function, it cannot have international legitimacy," he said.

Looking forward to attending #G20 session tomorrow with President #Obama. It's a privilege to be here as the voice of Australian business.

— Kate Carnell (@KateCarnellCEO) November 14, 2014

Australian Financial Journalist Michael Pascoe told RT the summit’s focus is economics, not politics, and therefore Russia remains a vital part of the gathering despite political disagreements.

“Russia is an important global economy, you wouldn’t be having a G20 meeting without a major player. The emphasis on this meeting is trying to lift global economic growth. The target is to try to get countries to commit to an extra two percent growth on what they otherwise would achieve. Therefore, every country is going to be in focus,” Pascoe said.

RT’s Egor Piskunov, who is reporting live from the G20 summit, says this year’s event is taking place amidst a background of intensifying Cold War rhetoric. Despite the political fallout however, he says the summit still offers the potential for global cooperation on a range of issues.

LATEST INFO: Qld Police working "extremely well" with US Secret Service for @BarackObama's visit to @UQ_News#G20Brisbane - @7NewsBrisbane

— Eammon Atkinson (@EAtkinson7) November 14, 2014

Security in and around Brisbane has been ramped up in the run up to the G20 summit. More than 6000 police officers have been tasked with patrolling the city.

Several hotels in the city center have been cordoned off, including the Marriott hotel where US President Barack Obama will be staying. Obama was accompanied by a robust security detail, including members of the US armed forces. Earlier this month, Russia dispatched a fleet of warships in international waters off the coast of Australia to accompany Putin’s visit. Although Russia has previously sent warships to accompany Russian leaders at international summits, Australia says it was not officially notified, and responded by dispatching two warships and a surveillance plane to monitor the Russian vessels.

Quite bizarre seeing a large city shutdown. A normally busy Brisbane bus interchange.

— Shelley Lloyd (@shelleymlloyd) November 14, 2014

Australian Prime minister has decided on three topics that will dominate discussion at the 2 day summit: bolstering the private sector to promote growth; making the world economy more resistant to future shocks; and strengthening global institutions. Environmentalists were angered he left climate change off of the agenda, sparking a rather creative form of protest in Sydney.

United Kingdom PM @David_Cameron and PM @TonyAbbottMHR are being greeted @BrisbaneAirport.

— Nine News Australia (@9NewsAUS) November 14, 2014

Australian Prime Minister and G20 host Tony Abbott arrived in Brisbane together, sharing a a Royal Australian Air Force plane to the host city from Canberra. Earlier in the day, Cameron had addressed Australia’s federal parliament.

The plane touched down just after 4 pm local time (06:00 GMT).

China's Xi Jingping, Germany's Angela Merkel and Russia's Vladmir Putin all expected later in the day. The leaders of India, Japan, Mexico and South Korea have already arrived.

JUST IN: UK PM @David_Cameron and PM @TonyAbbottMHR have landed @BrisbaneAirport#G20 Terminal.

— Nine News Australia (@9NewsAUS) November 14, 2014

Up to 4,000 delegates are expected to attend this year’s two-day summit in Brisbane, the capital of the Australian state of Queensland. The bulk of the conference will be held at Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Center, which is equipped with a large media center capable of accommodating the expected 2,500 media representatives.