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10 Jun, 2010 22:38

Oil Spill impacting American small businesses

The BP Gulf oil spill is not only having a major environmental impact, but also an economic one, especially on the American small businesses in or around the Gulf Coast.

From Florida to Texas, businesses are in danger of losing large sums of money.

They have closed probably over 20 percent of the fisheries and I know for fishermen, when you go out shrimping, there are seasons, and if you don’t catch the shrimp when they’re there, it’s over with,” said Diane Wilson, an environmental activist and Gulf coast shrimper.

Wilson, while attending a recent Energy and Natural Resource Congressional Committee hearing was arrested for protesting by covering herself in Karo Syrup.

I was specifically waiting for Senator Murkowski, she is the senator from Alaska, and I was targeting or focusing on her because of all politicians and all the congresspeople I had listened to she seemed to be really doing some harm,” said Wilson.

Wilson said she targeted Murkowski because she has continued to block a liability cap on BP.

BP has offered fishermen financial assistance if they are willing to take their ships out into the gulf and help in the cleanup effort.

They were trying to get some good PR,” said Wilson.

However, BP required the fishermen sign contracts that held them liable for any damage incurred in the process.

And I think a lot of the shrimpers are still waiting for their $5,000 checks,” said Wilson.
