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21 Jul, 2010 23:55

Christian Zionist summit explores God's chosen countries

For three consecutive days, the Washington Convention center was transformed into a house of God. Hundreds of Church goers and members of the pro-Israel community came to represent Christians United for Israel.

The organization’s annual summit professes the word of God and God's 'favorite countries:' the United States and Israel. CUFI, like other religious groups, link America's expansion and power to Israel's coming.

"We think it's very important for our nation who's based on the foundational truths of the Judeo-Christian beliefs," said Mary Elizabeth Robinson, a CUFI member visiting Washington from Galena, Kansas.

Bound by the old Scriptures, CUFI represents a small portion depicting a larger religious following in this country. And their faith connection amplifies the belief that the US and Israel are both protected by God as divine countries.

Republican Congressman and Minority Whip Eric Cantor of Virginia, who spoke at the summit said:

During the American revolution, the outmatched colonists affirmed their righteousness of their cause by likening King George to Pharaoh, and the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea and George Washington to Moses.”

Comparing the colonization of the United States to Israel’s, the attendees and participants of CUFI, an organization launched by Evangelical heavyweight Pastor John Hagee, drive the message that both countries are ordained by an unquestionable virtue.

America’s earliest colonists saw themselves as a new Israel embarked on a second Exodus from slavery to freedom, destined for the promise land.”

Destined to forever remain the dominate forces for good in the world.

Given Israel's religious ties to Christianity, Congress should, according Republican Congressman Mike Pence, continue to swear allegiance to Israel.

And support for Israel, I am pleased to say with my colleague Shelley Berkley in the room is broad and bipartisan on Capitol Hill, and so it must ever remain,” said Pence, who also headlined the event.

In contrast to the belief that America is a divine country, FOX News commentator Glenn Beck said, "God is on our money, an oath to him is part of our judicial process."

A process founded on religious connections and groups like CUFI define such links as historical to God's prophecy for perfect nations. A connection even the American people recognize as paramount to US exceptionalism.

The American people know the difference, they know the difference between the Israelis and the enemies; they know the difference at times between the Israelis and the Palestinians, they know who shares our values and who doesn’t,” said Cantor.

"If the world should know anything, let it know this, the United States will always stand with Israel,” said Pence.

A relationship, the Evangelical religious right insists depends heavily on each one's survival and support. Support, they believe, is coming directly from God. 
