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20 Jan, 2017 18:33

Trump admin outlines policy priorities for first 100 days on revamped WH website

Trump admin outlines policy priorities for first 100 days on revamped WH website

The White House web page maps out the Trump administration’s plans for energy, foreign policy, jobs, military and law enforcement, and trade deals, which will likely shape the direction of his first 100 days in office.

The list of priorities was published at the White House website after Trump was sworn in. 

Under the energy plan, the White House said it is committed to elimination policies such as the Climate Action Plan and Waters of the US rule.

“Lifting these restrictions will greatly help American workers, increasing wages by more than $30 billion over the next 7 years,” according the White House.

The Trump administration will support a program of tapping the estimated $50 trillion worth of untapped shale oil and gas reserves, especially on federal lands, and use the revenue to support public infrastructure building.

Under its energy plan, the Trump administration says is committed to clean coal technology and reviving the nation’s coal industry.

The White House wants independence from the OPEC cartel and “any nations hostile to our interests.”

In a contradictory inclusion, however, the White House said that “protecting clean air and clean water, conserving our natural habitats, and preserving our natural reserves and resources will remain a high priority.”

“President Trump will refocus the EPA on its essential mission of protecting our air and water.”

Under foreign policy, the White House will focus on American interests and national security.

“Defeating ISIS and other radical Islamic terror groups will be our highest priority,” said the Trump administration.

To accomplish this, the White House will pursue the Obama administration’s strategy of joint and coalition military operations, cut off funding for terrorist groups, expand intelligence sharing, and engage in cyberwarfare to disrupt and disable propaganda and recruiting.

The Trump administration will end the defense sequester and submit a new budget to Congress to rebuild the military. It wants to increase the number of US Navy ships and expand the Air Force. There are few details on whether this will involve recruitment, more equipment or an increased budget.

“We will develop a state-of-the art missile defense system to protect against missile-based attacks from states like Iran and North Korea,” said the White House.

At the same time, however, it will also “embrace diplomacy.”

Concerning trade deals, the Trump administration will pursue a policy of making sure American workers and businesses come first. He will withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and will renegotiate NAFTA.

It will crack down on nations that violate trade agreements, the White House said.

Under its job program, the Trump administration promises “to create 25 million new American jobs in the next decade and return to 4 percent annual economic growth.”

To accomplish this, the administration will lower taxes for Americans, reduce the US corporate tax rate, cut federal regulations that are "job-killers" and negotiate trade deals and help “Make America Great Again.”

The administration says it will provide the best medical care and support for service members and their families, and get veterans what they need by transforming the Department of Veterans Affairs.

“Our reforms will begin with firing the corrupt and incompetent VA executives who let our veterans down, modernizing the bureaucracy, and empowering doctors and nurses to ensure our veterans receive the best care available in a timely manner,” it said.

Under law enforcement goals, the administration is committed to reducing crime through more law enforcement, “more community engagement and more effective policing.”

Those plans including building a border wall to stop illegal immigration, stop gangs and the violence, stop drugs pouring into the US, ending sanctuary cities and ending lawlessness “associated with illegal immigration.”
