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14 Mar, 2019 17:16

British MPs vote on amendments ahead of key Brexit vote on Article 50 extension (VIDEO)

British MPs vote on amendments ahead of key Brexit vote on Article 50 extension (VIDEO)

The UK House of Commons is set to vote on an extension to Article 50. If it is passed, and the EU agrees to it, Britain will not leave on March 29 as planned. Ahead of that vote, the MPs have decided on several amendments.

Lawmakers have voted down the amendment H calling to delay Brexit to hold a second referendum, crushing it by 334 votes to 85.

The amendment I aiming to take control over the Brexit debate from PM Theresa May was narrowly rejected by the MPs, who voted 314-312 against it.

Jeremy Corbyn’s amendment E, instructing the government to seek an extension long enough for MPs to find a “majority for a different approach,” was rejected as well by 319 to 302.

Chris Bryant decided not to press the cheeky amendment J, which would have blocked May from ever bothering MPs with her ill-fated Brexit plan again. Therefore, the government motion on Article 50 extension has been voted on unamended.

Here's the full list of amendments:

(e-rejected) Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party have tabled a proposal, similar to the first, insisting on Article 50 being extended to allow time for MPs to find a majority for a different approach to Brexit.

(h-rejected) Sarah Wollaston, who recently quit the Conservatives to form The Independent Group of MPs has put forward a plan, calling for a Brexit delay long enough to hold a second EU referendum. It will represent the first time MPs have ever voted on such a proposal. 

(i-rejected) Tabled by a group of cross-party backbench MPs including Labour’s Hilary Benn and the Tories’ Oliver Letwin that seeks to wrestle control of the Brexit process from PM May. It proposes to hold a series of indicative votes scheduled for March 25, on an alternative approach to the UK’s exit from the EU.

(j-withdrawn) Chris Bryant, Labour MP for the Rhondda, has put down a rather cheeky amendment, demanding that the prime minister be forbidden from putting her deal, which has been heavily defeated twice, to parliament to vote on again.

Also on rt.com May to give MPs free vote on delaying Brexit, after 2 crucial defeats for UK government

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