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8 Sep, 2017 02:13

News With Ed -- September 7, 2017

GOP leaders ‘fail spectacularly’ at governing – analyst

A deal struck between Trump and top Democrats to provide billions in hurricane relief and extend the debt ceiling until December, passed 80 to 17 in the Senate on Thursday. Ned Ryun, CEO of American Majority, joins “News with Ed” to offer his reaction and discuss his hopes for Trump’s promised tax reforms.

Don’t expect Trump’s new tone on N. Korea to last – analyst

Sourabh Gupta, policy specialist at the Institute for China-America Studies, joins “News with Ed” to discuss the latest developments surrounding North Korea, arguing that while “none of us can say exactly what he wants,” we shouldn’t doubt that Kim Jong-un values the security of his regime above all. He also discusses friction in the relationship between US, South Korea and China, as well as Russian President Vladimir Putin’s stake in the matter.
