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22 Apr, 2015 07:39

​Google enshrines primacy of mobile, Baton on mobile investing

Starting on Tuesday, Google will revamp its search engine to favor sites that are more ‘mobile friendly’, but these changes could potentially prove harmful to some small businesses and retailers. Erin weighs in. RT’s Lindsay France to discuss how Tesla CEO Elon Musk feared his company would go under in 2013. Phil Ash, CEO of Baton Investing, tells how his mobile investing company has been growing since its launch and gives us his take on how ‘Millennials’ can become more proactive in investing, despite worsening student debt issues. Bianca gives a business news update on major earnings reports released today including Baker Hughes, IBM, and Yahoo. Anthony Randazzo, director of economic research at Reason, gives his thoughts on Senator Rand Paul’s visit to Charleston, SC, and the recent decrease in Americans seeking first-time unemployment benefits. And in The Big Deal, Erin and Edward go over major tech headlines of the day.

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