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28 Feb, 2022 07:21

Ukraine entering ‘crucial period’, Zelensky tells UK

Boris Johnson was told that the the country had entered a time of critical importance
Ukraine entering ‘crucial period’, Zelensky tells UK

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Sunday that “the next 24 hours” would be a “crucial period” for Ukraine as Russia's attack continues.

UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss also warned that the conflict between Moscow and Kiev could also turn into a war between Russia and NATO if Western countries “don’t stand up to Putin now.”

On the same day, Truss gave her blessing to British citizens to go to Ukraine to fight against Moscow – despite being warned that such action would be illegal and dangerous – and said the UK government had “compiled a hit list” of Russian “oligarchs” to sanction.

Downing Street revealed in a statement that Zelensky told the prime minister he “believed the next 24 hours was a crucial period for Ukraine,” while Johnson “said he would do all he could to help ensure defensive aid from the UK and allies reached Ukraine.”

Johnson also “praised” Zelensky’s “leadership,” and said “the resistance of the Ukrainian people was heroic,” before the two “agreed to continue to stay in close contact.”
