Donald Trump and Melania test positive for coronavirus. The media begins a ruthless attack on the president as his campaigning comes to a stop.The long awaited first presidential debate is now history, and the biggest loser may have been the moderator, Fox News host Chris Wallace, who lost control, went at it with the President, and allowed Joe Biden to slide on a very big non-answer.
The President nominates Judge Amy Coney Barrett to replace the late Ruth Bader Ginsburgh on the Supreme Court, and the media loses it, we'll discuss both issues with the panel of Jeffery Lord and David Limbaugh.
Was the whole bogus "Russian Collusion" investigation a plot, approved by Hillary Clinton with the knowledge of then President Barack Obama? How many of the big three networks reported this? NONE! Adam Guillette of Accuracy in Media will weigh in on the fake news by omission.
And guess who actually told their viewers the whole story about the tragic shooting of Breonna Taylor? I'll tell you, but you'll have to wait until the desert segment for that one.