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Tim Canova on Iowa Caucus Chaos: People Are Losing Confidence in Election Results! (E840)

On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to former Congressional candidate Tim Canova who stood against Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. He discusses the acquittal of Donald Trump in the impeachment trial, the Democrats’ failure, as Trump’s poll numbers rose after he was impeached, the chaos of the Iowa Caucus, which saw the result delayed, how electronic voting machines and chaotic elections are the biggest threat to American democracy, Trump’s new USMCA deal to replace NAFTA and more! Next, we speak to former Minister of State at the Home Office Norman Baker about the week’s top stories, including Theresa May earning £400,000 since quitting as PM, the recent terror attack in Streatham, London and more! Finally, we speak to Gareth Porter, the co-author of The CIA Insider’s Guide to the Iran Crisis. He discusses the history of the CIA’s interventions in Iran, the roots of current tensions between the United States and Iran, how the US has been unable to adapt to Iran no longer being a US client state, international isolation of the United States with regards to the Trump Administration’s approach to Iran, the assassination of Qassem Soleimani and more!

Tim Canova on Iowa Caucus Chaos: People Are Losing Confidence in Election Results! (E840)
Twice a week, award-winning journalist Afshin Rattansi and his team go underground to cover geopolitics and current affairs from a perspective you won’t find in the mainstream media, with some of the most high-profile guests.