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23 Nov, 2021 15:27

Mob rule: How the racial unrest blighting America is being fueled

Mob rule: How the racial unrest blighting America is being fueled

The mainstream media’s warped support for ‘progressive’ firestarters rather than firefighters lies behind much of the violence.

When many Americans first heard about the Waukesha drive-through carnage, where an SUV plowed through a Christmas parade and killed five people, many couldn’t help but wonder if the killings were revenge for the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict rendered in Kenosha, just 50 miles (80km) south. 

After all, Waukesha is 90% white, making it a tempting target. 

And Milwaukee, with a long history of racial unrest, lies in-between the two rural towns, just 20 miles from Waukesha, meaning there’s a big supply of angry progressives nearby disappointed about the trial’s result. 

Elsewhere, progressives had promised that in light of the verdict against Rittenhouse there would be “no peace” if they were denied “justice” as they defined it. And unfortunately they defined justice as nothing less than guilty on all counts. 

Dyjuan Tatro, a Democrat Party progressive activist who promotes criminal justice reform, because he is in fact a convicted criminal tweeted: “No justice, no peace.” 

This was followed by chants from socialists in Ohio and Oregon against the verdict: “The whole damn system is guilty as hell,” “Send that killer kid to jail,” and “Revolution, nothing else.”

More surprising, but equally outrageous, was a cartoon in the mainstream press, AL.com, which called the verdict a “a victory for vigilante violence” on behalf of white people.

Just as the Rittenhouse shooting seemed to put an end to the violent part of the race protests in America last year, there was a faint hope by some that the end of the trial would see the end of the more extreme and violent rhetoric about race in America. 

For several years, progressive rags have made money by peddling the notion that every conservative is a Neo-Nazi intent on killing non-whites personally. 

Or that Republicans will violently overthrow the government to advance their nefarious plans to rule over an all-white America. 

On Friday, Buzzfeed promised that the Rittenhouse verdict meant “More Far-Right Extremist Violence,” neglecting to mention that 25 people were killed as a result of violent race protests held by progressives in 2020, not by conservative protests on behalf of so-called white power. 

So it shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that when a driver plowed through the Christmas parade in an overwhelmingly white city, some speculated that the murders might be another progressive ‘counterprotest’ to an outcome in the Rittenhouse trial that progressives don’t like. 

This, even before knowing that the person who police say is a person of interest in the case is a black progressive rapper with a long criminal rap sheet and BLM connections.    

If people actually believe the tripe that progressive rags like Buzzfeed and Vice sell, it’s possible – plausible, even – that they could be incited by such rhetoric to take to running down white kids. 

There has been a curious pattern in American media coverage about the racial unrest and killings that have happened over the last two years that has been somewhat burned into the memories of most Americans and affected our reactions. 

It’s burned into our memories because it has happened so often in the recent past. 

It was in the Kenosha riots, after all, where CNN made famous the chyron calling the race protests there “fiery but mostly peaceful.”

That was an effort by CNN to get Americans to believe that burning down buildings and assaulting a 71-year old man – who was protecting a store from firebombing – is just the chump change in the price of advancing the Democrat ticket and racial justice in Wisconsin.   

“We support the protest, the racial unrest – we don’t support this shit, though,” store owner Keith McCoy told a local TV station later, according to the New York Post

And it was that narrow formatting of the narrative from the press – all for the progressive firebombers, sorry, protesters, and against the fire brigade – that brought us the Rittenhouse shooting. 

It was that lacking press story that made people in Kenosha feel like they had to take up arms to protect themselves while the media urged them to lie still, enjoy the rape of their city, ‘and think of England’.

It’s the same limited formatting that we see in the coverage of the Rittenhouse verdict that could lead some to think that it’s again time for the violent actions that inevitably go with the slogan ‘no justice, no peace’. 

That someone would use an SUV, instead of firebombs, and attack cheerleaders, instead of a 17-year-old kid with a rifle, is just a matter of degree, opportunity and circumstance. 

Police have not yet revealed the true impetus for the events that enfolded in Waukesha on Sunday night. And the idea that someone would deliberately target kids after a white teenager was found not guilty of murder when he shot and killed two people and injured another attacking him (all three also white) during violent race protests in Kenosha is surely preposterous.  

But it’s no more preposterous than those who warned in 2008 that Obama would remake the Democrats into a socialist party. 

Or that race issues would consume every ounce of American political energy if they elected to the presidency a man who was by trade a black political organizer, making his bones on race. 

“His campaign style revealed a tweaker of the status quo, not a revolutionary,” the LA Times promised us in the semi-official, elite media narrative for the Obama campaign. “Culturally and racially, he is likely to leave America pretty much where he found her.”

It’s hard to argue that America today is anywhere close to where the country found itself when Obama took over in 2009. 

That is not to blame Obama for anything to do with Rittenhouse or Kenosha or Waukesha, but simply to point out that the mainstream, in the past, just as it does today, always supports the fire bomber as opposed to the fire brigade. And that is a trend that accelerated under Obama. 

So much so that we, as a country, now look for bomb throwers at every event, even at a Christmas parade in Waukesha.  

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