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3 May, 2021 08:37

We aren't in a Covid ‘shecession’ – we’re in a perennial state of feminist hysteria where ‘shehadists’ hijack truth for victimhood

We aren't in a Covid ‘shecession’ – we’re in a perennial state of feminist hysteria where ‘shehadists’ hijack truth for victimhood

Men are dying of Covid-19 more than any other demographic. But, according to ‘Gal-Qaeda’, women are the most-affected – and always will be. To which we ask: when will there be a vaccine for the mind-virus that’s modern feminism?

Heraclitus, the Greek philosopher, once said that change is the only constant in life.

Sadly, he was wrong. If he’d lived to witness the past five decades of ‘progressive’ culture, he likely would’ve added feminist whingeing to the list. 

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That’s because, ever since the likes of Betty Friedan and Andrea Dworkin radicalised Western housewives in the 1960s, we’ve had non-stop gripes from gender warriors.

These have ranged from imaginary pay gaps to ‘sexist’ air conditioning – and, hilariously, even demands for quotas among stuffed animals in museums. No kidding.  

The latest case in point focuses on Covid-19, which we’re repeatedly told ‘affects women more than men’.  

Plundering the pandemic for their latest grift, the sisterhood now claim we’re experiencing a ‘shecession’ – aka, a recession which primarily affects female workers.  

“The pandemic’s arrival hit the women-dominated leisure, hospitality and retail industries first and hardest as the nation went into lockdown,'' wrote Amanda Holpuch in The Guardian

“As job losses hit record highs the US recorded another sorry first – the first recession in which women lost the most jobs.” 

Except, as per usual, the numbers don’t add up. 

Firstly, US unemployment numbers were roughly equal between men and women in February 2020, according to a McKinsey analysis of the Current Population Survey

Secondly, data for the exact same period from the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed that women held more jobs than men in the US economy.

Ergo, women might have a higher probability of losing their jobs in today’s market, but this isn’t sexism – it’s because there are more of them with jobs to lose. Duh.  

You’d think this would be factored into the analysis, but – in an age of hysteria and grievance-stoking – that would be counter-productive. 

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A similar story plays out in the UK, where journalists across the media spectrum are keen to diagnose the existence of an economic downturn with misogynistic undercurrents.  

The reality? Men across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are the majority of the unemployed – and have been for many, many years.  

The latest figure of 5.4% has notably increased in the past three months because of Covid, making it worse than the previous high in 2015. 

In comparison, women’s UK unemployment is currently at just 4.7%, which still isn’t great, but means there are roughly 330,000 more employed women than men. 

Unsurprisingly, this gets no attention because it doesn’t benefit the feminist narrative, so it’s swept under the carpet – hilariously, by women who moan about the division of housework.  

Oh, the irony. 

Besides, Covid has also sparked some professional plus points for women.  

For example, the percentage of jobs advertised as capable of being worked flexibly – whether part-time, job sharing or home working – increased from 17% before Covid to 22% last summer, according to the flexible working consultancy Timewise

This largely benefits women, who’ve long moaned that motherhood puts them on the backfoot because they have to juggle childcare and school hours. Now, they can ‘have it all’ without even leaving the house. 

This, in turn, will also minimize their exposure to both public transport and the office, which are hotbeds of sexual harassment, apparently.  

Only yesterday a report by the Community and Public Sector Union claimed that one in six Australian public servants have been sexually harassed in the workplace. 

Whatever the truth, the much bigger issue is that – even if working women were more affected by job losses than men – they’d still be better off in general because it’s mostly men who are dying of Covid-19. 

In every country of the world, male bodies are piling higher than women’s.  

According to the Men’s Health Forum, there have been 330,000+ deaths in America. Nearly 60% of them are men. 

In Paraguay, 92% of Covid deaths are male. In Afghanistan, the figure is 73%. France and Argentina’s deaths are 58% male.  

Even in Switzerland, which is supposed to be the most equal society on earth, male deaths account for 54% of all Covid fatalities. 

Thankfully, a global vaccine rollout is underway, which will help. Especially in England and Wales, where male social care workers are dying from Covid-19 at a rate of 23.4 deaths per 100,000, compared to a rate of 9.6 for their female peers. 

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This could be a game-changer for the depressing numbers. But the bigger question is: when will we get a vaccine against the mind-virus that’s modern feminism? 

That’s no less a priority.

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