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21 Oct, 2020 16:15

Why it took a black British MP to expose the madness of teaching critical race theory and the ‘pet n***er’ abuse of police by BLM

Why it took a black British MP to expose the madness of teaching critical race theory and the ‘pet n***er’ abuse of police by BLM

Kemi Badenoch’s powerful speech, in which she eviscerated the Black Lives Matter movement and the idea of teaching children about white privilege, showed that sometimes the messenger is as important as the message.

When an elected MP stands up in the British Parliament and denounces the Black Lives Matter movement, citing an incident where a black protester called a black policeman a “pet n***er” during a demonstration, then people take notice.

And when that MP is a black female minister in a Conservative government, then not only do people pay attention, it makes them think that maybe she has a valid point.

For Kemi Badenoch, the London-born daughter of Nigerian parents, her parliamentary speech was a defining moment in the ongoing culture wars. She not only dismissed BLM as a political movement, but she made it clear that her government did not want schoolchildren to be taught about “white privilege and inherited racial guilt.

“Any school which teaches these elements of critical race theory as fact, or which promotes partisan political views such as defunding the police without offering a balanced treatment of opposing views, is breaking the law,” she warned.

It was not the sort of response that opposition MP Dawn Butler expected when she used the Black History Month debate to call for the “decolonising of history.”

Ms Badenoch was having none of that, either, and shot down one of the central tenets of critical race theory without hesitation. “Our curriculum does not need decolonising for the simple reason that it is not colonised. Making race the defining principle of what is studied is not just misguided. but actively opposed to the fundamental purpose of education,” she told the house. End of.

When she took aim at BLM, there was no holding back. She said, “Black lives do matter, of course they do, but we know that the Black Lives Matter movement is political.

“'I know this, because at the height of the protest, I've been told of white Black Lives Matter protesters calling – and I apologise for saying this word – calling a black armed police officer guarding Downing Street a “pet n***er.” The house was silent in response. No ‘hear, hears’, no hooting, no interjections. Silence.

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Now just imagine if, listening to the MP’s bold speech, you closed your eyes for a few minutes and pictured a middle-aged, portly white man, with receding hairline and Tory blue tie slightly askew after a long lunch holding forth in the house using her words.

The howls of righteous fury would echo around the isles of Britain, and the pale, male and stale orator would, in years to come, recall with perfect clarity the exact moment his political career ended.

But because Ms Badenoch is black herself, those accusations of racism or ‘white privilege’ would be ridiculous if hurled at her. And with the attack dogs neutered, the message of what she is saying becomes that much more powerful.

It’s dramatic stuff and a PR masterstroke that has made the government position crystal clear and central to the whole culture debate, rather than a side issue lost amid a screaming match of accusations and denials of insensitivity over race.

In much the same way as Home Secretary Priti Patel – herself the daughter of immigrants – can deliver what many view as hardline declamations over immigration, the personal circumstances of the minister make it hard for the liberals who loathe her to claim that her policies are nothing but racist.

In fact, even suggesting as such runs the risk of having the tables turned in an instant.

To those who engage in this contemporary culture battle and are weary of being told that the colour of their skin somehow automatically invalidates their argument no matter how coherent, articulate or even true, this timely intervention brings welcome relief.

Make no mistake, the liberals may have suffered a very public setback thanks to Kemi Badenoch MP. But the war is not over yet. Not by a long shot.

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