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25 Sep, 2021 09:42

52% of Germans won’t miss Chancellor Angela Merkel, new poll indicates a day before general election

52% of Germans won’t miss Chancellor Angela Merkel, new poll indicates a day before general election

As her long service as chancellor comes to an end, more than a half of all Germans will not be missing Angela Merkel, a new poll has shown. The country’s new leader will be determined on Sunday.

In a poll of 5,007 people conducted by Civey for the Augsburger Allgemeine newspaper between September 22 and 24, respondents were asked if they would miss Merkel after her chancellorship ended.

The majority (52%) said they would not miss the veteran politician, who has continuously governed Germany since 2005. Just 38% said they would miss Merkel, while the rest were undecided.

Merkel, Germany’s second-longest-serving chancellor since World War II, will step down after this Sunday’s general election. The state premier of North Rhine-Westphalia, Armin Laschet, is tapped to succeed her as chancellor if the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) draws enough votes.

The CDU’s main rivals are the Social Democratic Party, led by Vice Chancellor Olaf Scholz, and the Greens, whose chief candidate is Annalena Baerbock, the party’s co-leader.

Also on rt.com German public TV channel apologizes for showing projected election results 2 days BEFORE voting begins

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