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22 Mar, 2019 11:23

Swedes say they can house a refugee, but promptly reject opportunity when offered to do so (VIDEO)

Swedes say they can house a refugee, but promptly reject opportunity when offered to do so (VIDEO)

A Swedish TV channel took to the streets to quiz people on whether they would be willing to house a refugee, and then called their bluff by putting their answers to an immediate test.

Samhällsnytt (Social News) sent a reporter onto the streets of Sweden to quiz people on the country’s current immigration policy and ask if they would be personally willing to help out.

READ MORE: Swedish right-wing MP proposes… building mosque & Muslim center to draw immigrants

Respondents said they believe the country should continue to take in refugees, and everyone featured said they’d be willing to provide accomodation for an immigrant in need in their own home.

However, once the do-gooders were presented with a (slightly intimidating) man to take home immediately, they quickly changed their tune and churned out a whole host of excuses as to why their particular accommodation would no longer be suitable.

Excuses ranged from having guests already renting their spare room, early morning meetings, busy schedules, leasing restrictions, homes that are too small, to sick children.

Also on rt.com Migrants’ children in Swedish schools are increasingly segregated – survey

The attitude toward immigrants has shifted in Sweden which, at the height of the refugee crisis is 2015, took in more per capita than any other European country – 163,000 asylum-seekers in a country of 10 million inhabitants.

Later, Sweden backtracked on its progressive immigration policy with a retroactive law that sent people back to their home country if it was deemed safe enough.

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