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6 Oct, 2017 18:11

RT's #1917LIVE nominated for prestigious online DRUM award for 'Most Innovative Use of Social'

RT's #1917LIVE nominated for prestigious online DRUM award for 'Most Innovative Use of Social'

RT's special project '#1917LIVE: What if Twitter existed 100 years ago?' has gained international recognition, being nominated for a Drum Social Buzz Award in the category of ‘Most Innovative Use of Social.’

The interactive project is aimed at creatively showing how major figures in the Russian Revolution would have communicated with their followers on Twitter, had the social media platform been available to them in 1917.

The main anchor of the project is the Twitter account of the Russian Telegraph, a fictional newspaper which breaks the latest news of 1917 and retweets the historic figures taking part in the project.

The tweets range from Vladimir Lenin calling for an armed revolt, to former Tsar Nicholas II complaining under arrest that four cases of wine which he had intended to enjoy had instead been poured into the Irtysh River.

Anyone in the Twittersphere can join the fun, creating their own Twitter accounts of historical figures of the time and sharing their tweets using the hashtag #1917CROWD. Brazilian novelist Paulo Coelho, author of the international bestseller 'The Alchemist,' has even joined in. He is tweeting as Dutch exotic dancer Mata Hari, who passed information for France and Germany during World War I and was executed by a French firing squad after Paris found out it had been double-crossed.

READ MORE: Paulo Coelho brings last days of Mata Hari to #1917LIVE Twitter

The Drum Social Buzz Awards celebrate the very best in social media communications, recognizing those who use social media to communicate in "exciting and innovate ways."

The awards ceremony will take place on November 29. May the most creative social media user win!
