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28 Feb, 2016 23:11

Putin did it, not US, Israelis or aliens? CNN ‘expert’ solves MH370 mystery with hint from chickens

Putin did it, not US, Israelis or aliens? CNN ‘expert’ solves MH370 mystery with hint from chickens

US science writer Jeff Wise, who has been widely promoting himself as central to CNN’s coverage of missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, has once again put forth his conspiracy theory implicating Putin – this time providing some “clear” insights.

Almost two years since the whole world began wondering how a huge airplane with 239 passengers on board could have simply vanished en route to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur on March 8, 2014, the American expert has come forward to finally tell the world: it was Putin.

Wise first came up with his MH370 conspiracy theory last year, which was published in an in-depth article appearing in New York Magazine. The writer explained how he was paid by CNN to spearhead the coverage of the missing flight and then spent almost all of his money developing his theory: on the orders of Russia’s president, the Malaysian flight, along with all of the passengers and crew on board, was hijacked by “spoofing” the plane’s navigation system, after which it secretly landed before being hidden in the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Even the exact runway was revealed: “Yubileyniy’s runway 24.”

Although Wise’s “suspicion fell on Russia” back then, he still “had no idea” as to “why, exactly, would Putin want to steal a Malaysian passenger plane.” Though he hypothesized that “maybe he [Putin] wanted to demonstrate to the United States... that he could hurt the West and its allies anywhere in the world,” or that Russia’s leader could have been after “the secrets of one of the plane’s passengers,” or that he may, rather, have saved the plane so that it could “unexpectedly show up somewhere packed with explosives,” real clarity as to the exact motive behind the mystery still alluded the journalist-sleuth.

Until now.

A UK-based amateur investigative group called Bellingcat has recently released a new report blaming Putin for another Malaysia Airlines crash – the case of flight MH17 that was downed over eastern Ukraine in July of 2014. The new “fascinating” findings of this “very highly regarded group of amateur analysts” (as described by the American writer) provided new clues for the deep-digging researcher, who was finally able to put two and two together in a Eureka! moment.

“The relevance of this [MH17] story to MH370 should be clear. Within four months, two Malaysian Airlines 777s were taken out of the sky under suspicious circumstances. Imagine if you were a farmer who’s been raising chickens for many years without incident. Then one day, for the first time ever, one of the chickens goes missing. Then the next day, you see the neighbor’s dog jumping over your fence with a second chicken in its mouth. Now would you have a theory about what happened to the first chicken?” Wise wrote on his blog.

For those still wondering: “What possibly could be the motive” for attacking Malaysia Airlines Boeings, Wise finally has a rock-solid answer now:

“The answer is, we don’t know Putin’s motive... We don’t understand Vladimir Putin at all.”

However, before the official search for MH370 in the southern Indian Ocean southwest of Australia finally wraps up at the end in June, here are some other suggestions on where to look for the plane and who’s to blame for its disappearance – according to ever-searching conspiracy theorists.

Not Putin, but Kim Jong-un

The missing Boeing might have been stolen by North Korea, a number of theorists have suggested. While some have linked the flight’s disappearance to South Korea’s claim that a Chinese passenger plane had nearly been taken down by a North Korean missile just three days ahead of MH370’s last recorded flight, others have theorized that the aircraft was hijacked, rather than shot down, at the order of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, who was probably after the American technology it contained.

Tel Aviv stole the plane for Israeli-style 9/11

Another theory suggests that the Mossad was behind MH370’s disappearance, with its agents commandeering the Boeing for insidious purposes. Speculating on reports that two Iranian nationals had been traveling on the flight with forged passports, the blame-Israel camp think the plane has been hidden in a hangar in Tel Aviv, waiting for its time to serve as a bomb, like the planes on September 11 in New York. They further speculate that after the mass terror attack has been carried out, the two Iranian passengers will resurface, thus giving Israel a chance pin the blame on Iran.

American military base in the Indian Ocean is involved

The US military has also been implicated in the MH370 tragedy, with claims that it is somehow linked to Washington’s military base on the island of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean. Here opinions are divided: some online researchers claim that the base was used to hide the passenger jet after it was hijacked by Americans, while others say the Malaysian plane was shot down by American fighter jets to prevent it from crashing onto the base after it was hacked.

A former airline director (and novelist) from France, Marc Dugain, even travelled to Maldives in an attempt to unlock the mystery, where he reportedly heard witnesses saying that they had seen a “huge plane” with Malaysia Airlines colors flying low above their atolls in the direction of Diego Garcia. 

READ MORE: MH370 was 'shot down by US military', claims former French airline boss 

MH17 downed over Ukraine was missing MH370

A number of theories have also evolved speculating that the Malaysia Airlines Boeing shot from Ukrainian skies en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur was, in fact, the same plane from flight MH370 that had disappeared some four months before, after being hijacked and hidden somewhere (maybe even Diego Garcia, theorists say). Citing visual “proof” indicating that the downed plane’s fuselage and that of MH370 were one and the same, proponents of this scenario claim that the tragedies were brought about as part of a false-flag operation against Russia.

Additionally, some amateur sleuths even claim that the bodies found at the site of the MH17 crash were actually those of the passengers from MH370. One such theorist said the MH17 victims looked like “rotten corpses, drained of blood and reeked of decomposition,” citing an unidentified “rebel commander” and an “independent journalist,” according to whose “statements,” the people on board MH17 “died days before the plane took off.”

MH370 is, in fact, lying on seabed even Courtney Love could find

With modern day technology providing satellite images of the most remote parts of our planet to anyone with internet access, thousands have been sitting glued to their computer screens, searching for anything resembling a Boeing 777 where it doesn’t belong. Numerous clouds and floating junk have been excitedly taken for the lost plane.

I’m no expert but up close this does look like a plane and an oil slick,” American musician Courtney Love posted on Facebook, with a picture of the sea attached.

Aliens or beings from another dimension did it

According to a poll conducted by CNN in the year of MH370’s disappearance, one in ten Americans, in fact, believed that “space aliens or beings from another dimension were involved.” Other theorists, who are probably a bit more www-obsessed, have suggested that the Boeing 777’s fate was written in its serial number, as it was the 404th aircraft of its kind to come off the production line. Thus the “404 error” – “can’t be found.”
