Day of rage: Thousands to protest Tory austerity, Islamophobia & Human Rights Act repeal

29 May, 2015 16:02 / Updated 9 years ago

Thousands of people are expected to attend numerous protests in the capital on Saturday to demonstrate against further planned cuts to welfare, the scrapping of the Human Rights Act and discrimination against the Islamic community.

Nearly 10,000 have said they are attending two separate rallies in London – the first organized by UK Uncut, which campaigns against cuts to welfare, and the second by individual campaigners who want to reverse proposals from “a government hell-bent on destroying civil liberties.”

The event description from UK Uncut claims the £12 billion in planned spending cuts “puts the NHS and our public services in even more severe danger.”

“The Tories are planning to cut another £12 billion, on top of the £25 billion they’ve already cut. Let’s come together to tell the government we won’t let them crush our public services with a further £12 billion of CATASTROPHIC cuts!”

“The cuts are a political choice, not an economic necessity. This government wants to destroy the welfare state and privatize our vital public services. Austerity is just an excuse to transfer public services into private hands, to protect the rich and punish the poor,” it adds.

The new government has already faced civil unrest since May’s general election, which saw the Tories narrowly edge a majority government.

READ MORE: ‘Another Britain is possible’: Activists to protest Tory austerity, Human Rights Act repeal

On Wednesday, as the Queen officially opened parliament, demonstrators gathered in Trafalgar Square and marched through Westminster to protest further austerity measures.

Amid scuffles during the mostly peaceful demonstration, UKIP MP Douglas Carswell was pounced upon by protesters and forced to seek the protection of a police escort to ensure he made it safely through the crowds.

The second protest taking place is predominantly in opposition to the repeal of the Human Rights Act (HRA), amongst other perceived civil injustices.

Scene's from Wednesday's protest:

Current scenes #londonprotest#endausteritynow

— James Cropper (@JamesCropper95) May 27, 2015

The event description reads: “On May 8th 2015 David Cameron walked into Downing Street yet again for another five years. With a larger majority and the Liberal Democrats left shattered by the electorate – we face a government program of sweeping reform and a Britain left unrecognizable by 2020.”

“One of these changes? To repeal the Human Rights Act!

“Join us as we say NO to a government that is hell-bent on destroying civil liberties.

“Join us in saying NO to a carte blanche towards arbitrary stop and search against young black men.

“Join us in saying NO to the abuse and institutional discrimination against the Islamic community for the sake of ‘national security,’” it adds.

Prime Minister David Cameron appeared to falter on the issue of the HRA repeal during the Queen’s Speech, where the British Bill of Rights – intended to replace the HRA – was announced as a ‘proposal’ rather than a concrete measure, the crucial wording implying more debates will take place before the bill is put forward.

The Prime Minister is also facing a rebellion on the issue from Tory backbenchers, and there are fears it may produce cracks within the party.

The protests are due to take place from 13:00 BST on Saturday.