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10 Jul, 2021 10:02

Brexit Bounce and Salazar, Portugal’s dictator (E392)

The Brexit Bounce continues, and predictions that the sky would fall in, everything would run short, and we wouldn’t even get our medicine have tumbled one after the other. The fate of the car industry after Brexit was one of the most commonly deployed tropes. And so, when Nissan made its announcement last week that it was investing £1 billion in Sunderland in a new electric car development, there was much rejoicing – except amongst the most embittered Remainers. To discuss how Brexit’s going, we invited esteemed economist and former banking guru Dr. Gerard Lyons aboard Sputnik.

Portugal, like Spain and Greece, was a dictatorship until the middle of the 1970s. All three dictatorships had similarities and differences. In Greece, it was a military junta; in Spain, El Caudillo General Franco, the flamboyant fascist whose thousands of graves are still being uncovered; and then there was the forgotten man, the Portuguese dictator Salazar. Antonio Salazar ruled Portugal from 1932 to 1968, when he was succeeded by his protege Marcelo Caetano. The whole show was overthrown in the Portuguese carnation revolution of 1974. There’s a whole generation of people who’ve never heard of Salazar and so, 51 years after his death, author of new book ‘Salazar: The Dictator Who Refused to Die’ Tom Gallagher, emeritus professor of politics at Bradford University, is more than timely in boarding Sputnik.

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