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18 Jan, 2018 01:00

RT America -- January 17, 2018

US & Japan wary of N. Korea’s ‘charm offensive’
North and South Korea have agreed to form a unified women's hockey team for the upcoming Winter Olympics and will march under a unified flag at the opening ceremony. North Korea aims to send a 550-member delegation to the games, including musicians, Taekwondo fighters and 230 cheerleaders. RT America’s Manila Chan has more.
Senators believe in freedom of speech - for some, but not for others
Senator Jeff Flake (R-Arizona) castigated President Donald Trump from the Senate floor, railing against Trump’s “Stalinesque” attacks on mainstream media. His colleague John McCain chimed in with a Washington Post oped. But how does this sync with the Senate’s willingness to vilify RT and Sputnik, or the recent scrutiny of Chinese media? Conservative commentator Steve Malzberg joins “News with Ed” to weigh in.
Angry words & uncertain future in Palestine
US has sharply reduced funding to the UN Relief and Welfare Agency (UNRWA). Commissioner General Pierre Krahenbuhl said the cuts put the “dignity and security” of Palestinians at stake. Palestinian National Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has responded by revoking recognition of Israel. RT America’s Anya Parampil has the story.
