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22 Nov, 2019 01:26

The News with Rick Sanchez - November 21 2019 (20:00 ET)

Who really benefits from Washington’s meddling and aggression in foreign countries? Rick Sanchez answers this question. He then explains how it informs anti-Russian sentiments in the State Department and in the ongoing impeachment hearings on Capitol Hill.

Chris Hedges, author and host of "On Contact" weighs in on the coup in Bolivia that removed populist reformer Evo Morales from the presidency.

RT's Nicolas O'Donovan joins live from Bogota, Colombia in the aftermath of violent riots. Then RT producer Dr. Enrique Rivera shares his expertise. 

Professor Mohammad Marandi joins from Tehran to explain the distorted and "paradoxical" claims made about Iran by Western politicians and pundits as well as Washington's increasingly "aggressive" drive to undermine Tehran.

Plus, new research on how our bodies tell us to stop eating. 
