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27 Apr, 2017 01:56

News With Ed -- April 26, 2017

Trickle-down rebranded?: Trumponomics revealed in new tax plan
The White House is proposing comprehensive tax reforms said to simplify the federal tax code through cutting rates and eliminating deductions. Critics found the plan fell short on how the measures would be paid for, saying it will primarily benefit the wealthiest Americans. Former US Trading Commissioner Bart Chilton joins ‘News With Ed’ to discuss.

The VOICE of Trumpism
Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly announced today a new, fully-functional agency called Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement (VOICE), a 27-person subdivision of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). VOICE will provide “support” for victims of crimes committed by undocumented immigrants. However, critics are crying “alternative facts,” as decades of studies show unauthorized immigrants in America commit fewer crimes than their citizen counterparts. RT America's Manila Chan reports.
