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5 Feb, 2019 23:41

News. Views. Hughes - February 05, 2019 (17:00 ET)

‘Choose Greatness’: What to expect from SOTU 2019 

RT America’s Sara Montes de Oca presents a preview of what to expect from President Donald Trump’s State of the Union speech, which is expected to include foreign policy, economy, immigration and tackling the opioid crisis. He is also expected to reach out to moderate Democrats on border security.

US corporations want Venezuela’s resources – Maduro

Venezuela’s embattled President Nicolas Maduro has begun to speak out amid his country’s deepening political crisis. In an exclusive interview with RT, he addresses what he deems to be obvious motives behind the US clamor to replace him with opposition leader Juan Guaido. President Donald Trump declined Maduro’s offer of dialogue, saying the US is “too far along in the process.” RT America’s Rachel Blevins has the details.

US plan for Latin America: ‘Venezuela is just the beginning’ – Daniel McAdams  

Daniel McAdams of the Ron Paul Institute joins Scottie Nell Hughes to discuss how anti-Maduro propaganda is paving the way for warfare. He says “Venezuela is only step one in a bigger plan” and that overthrowing Maduro’s government will be followed by attempts at regime change in Nicaragua and Cuba. If the US really wanted to help the Venezuelan people, McAdams argues, it should simply lift the sanctions against them.
