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9 May, 2021 18:00

IRS coming for crypto users?

A new ruling is giving the IRS the go-ahead to find cryptocurrency investors who may be skipping out on paying their taxes. It could be the start of a much larger wave of tax enforcement as the crypto market continues to grow in value in popularity. And In Question takes a look at dark money inside politics and the Swiss Billionaire gaining influence in the US.

This week’s episode of Just Press Play features these stories and the best from this week on RT America.

This episode’s Just Press Play-list:

Segment 1: Dennis Miller Interviews Businessman Kevin O’Leary (on Dennis Miller +One) 0:59

Segment 2: Manila Chan interviews George Galloway, D. Watkins, and Ed Martin (on In Question) 04:07

Segment 3: Jesse Ventura interviews Jen Briney (on World According to Jesse) 7:20

Segment 4 : Ameshia Cross interviews immigration attorney Allen Orr (on Watching The Hawks) 10:42

Segment 5: Chris Hedges interviews historian Paul Street (on On Contact) 14:47

Segment 6: Mike Papantonio interviews RT Correspondent Brigida Santos (on America’s Lawyer) 18:12

Segment 7: Rachel Blevins interviews Christy Ai and Ben Swann (on Boom Bust) 21:25
