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22 Jul, 2015 06:34

Cyber hacking & Auerback on Europe and the Fed

A website called Ashley Madison – a dating portal that enables spouses to secretly arrange extramarital affairs – was targeted by an anonymous group known as the “Impact Team”. They’ve threatened to release the personal information of the site’s 37 million users, unless the website goes offline. Meanwhile, the University of California, Los Angeles is still dealing with its own cyber breach. A months-long attack on the university hospital system has put the personal information of 4.5 million people at risk. Ameera David weighs in.

Ameera is then joined by Marshall Auerback – research associate at the Levy Economics Institute. Marshall gives us his view on French President Francois Hollande’s assertion that all 19 countries in the euro should have their own government, budget, and parliament and gives us his take on the best ideology for the eurozone moving forward.

After the break, Bianca Facchinei explores the emergence of mobile technology and hacking in light of a recent shooting in British Columbia. A man associated with the hacking group Anonymous was shot dead by police last week, and it wasn’t long before multiple police websites were down.

Ameera also sits down with Erin Ade to talk about health care and how personal genetic information is the new frontier of client-sharing data.

And in The Big Deal, Ameera and Edward Harrison discuss the latest news in tech, with an emphasis on disintermediation of the existing revenue model for broadcasters, which until now has been heavily weighted toward cable television distribution.

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