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29 Sep, 2021 15:18

Putin brought ‘attractive’ translator with ‘wonderful figure’ to distract Trump at G20 – bizarre claim by ex-White House aide

Putin brought ‘attractive’ translator with ‘wonderful figure’ to distract Trump at G20 – bizarre claim by ex-White House aide

Russian President Vladimir Putin brought an attractive female translator to a meeting with Donald Trump at the G20 Summit in Osaka in 2019 as a way to distract his American counterpart, a former White House aide has claimed.

In her not-yet-published memoirs, Stephanie Grisham claims that Fiona Hill, former Senior Director for Europe and Russia of the National Security Council, observed Putin’s subtle attempt to throw Trump off guard.

“As the meeting began, Fiona Hill leaned over and asked me if I had noticed Putin’s translator, who was a very attractive brunette woman with long hair, a pretty face, and a wonderful figure,” Grisham writes, according to an excerpt published in The New York Times. “She proceeded to tell me that she suspected the woman had been selected by Putin specifically to distract our president.”

Russian media later identified the translator at that meeting as Foreign Ministry's Daria Boyarskaya. Her photos have been published by many outlets worldwide after the publication of the bizarre theory. 

Trump’s relationship with Putin was the subject of hysteria throughout the former US president’s term as leader, especially as American intelligence agencies concluded that Moscow had launched a campaign to help Trump win the 2016 election.

Osaka played host to one of just a handful of meetings between the two leaders. At the summit, the two leaders joked about election meddling and fake news, with Trump suggesting that they should “get rid” of journalists.

In her book, Grisham also claimed that Trump told Putin that he would have to “act a little tougher” in front of the cameras, while being more cordial behind the scenes.

Also on rt.com ‘Everyone’s sick & tired of Big Tech’ & ‘blatant’ American interference in Russian elections, ex-President Medvedev tells RT

The spectre of ‘Russian meddling’ in the 2016 US presidential election became an article of faith for many in the US, especially activists and journalists who supported losing candidate Hillary Clinton.

It all began with staffers from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) claiming in June 2016 that Russia hacked its computers, after documents were published revealing the party’s rigging of its primaries. This was followed by Clinton accusing Trump, of “colluding” with Russia by asking Moscow for her emails – ones she deleted from a private server she used to conduct State Department business. 

With a little help from the mainstream media, which overwhelmingly endorsed Clinton and predicted her victory, the efforts to cover up the email scandal turned into Russia “hacking our democracy,” eventually spawning the ‘Russiagate’ investigation led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller and a series of failed attempts to derail Trump’s election and oust him from the White House.

The report ultimately did not find sufficient evidence that the Trump campaign "coordinated or conspired with the Russian government in its election-interference activities."

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