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14 Jul, 2014 09:37

Top parliamentarian vows to thwart US plans to isolate Russia

Top parliamentarian vows to thwart US plans to isolate Russia

Moscow will not allow Washington to realize its plan of international isolation for Russia and many nations will not support the US, the head of the State Duma committee for international relations has said.

Currently the economic and political isolation of Russia is impossible, MP Aleksey Pushkov told the Russian government newspaper Rossiiskaya Gazeta.

Statements are being made in Washington that the United States are starting to implement a global isolation policy for our country. Now the US administration attempts to attract the European Union to the isolation policy. The ultimate objective is to create a new tectonic rift between Russia and Europe in the spirit of the new Cold War,” the senior MP said in the interview.

However, such a scheme would not work, primarily due to the strong economic and financial ties between Russia and Europe that are important for both parties. “We are an important and large country; they have to do business with us. We also need this and we have to prevent the USA from creating the rift,” Pushkov emphasized.

To achieve this goal Russian leaders must find more countries that oppose the isolation policy and not necessarily in Europe, the Duma official said. “China is one such country. President Putin’s trip to China and the position taken by Beijing is very important in the current situation. India, South Africa, and Brazil – all BRICS nations have also defined their positions. We must consolidate the relations with the countries that refuse to follow the US isolation policy.”

Right here and right now the global balance of forces are being checked. And one parameter here is whether the USA will be able to create an effective mechanism to isolate Russia,” Pushkov noted.

Another area of friction between the two powers lies in various international organizations, as Washington officials attempt to isolate Russia there as well, the parliamentarian said adding that in his view so far Russia was successfully repelling the attacks.

The world is an extremely versatile place. When people in the West talk about some ‘international community’ that is denouncing our policies, they are really talking about 28 countries that are members of NATO and the European Union. But this one is not the global community; it is the Western, the Euro-Atlantic community. And with all its weight it is not the international community as a whole, but just a part of it,” the Russian lawmaker stated.

In the interview Pushkov also touched on the current situation in Ukraine, saying that the country had completely lost its independence and became a satellite of Western nations.

Their claims of independence look very unconvincing to tell the truth, because today there is simply no such thing as an independent Ukraine. There is Ukraine that, quite possibly, wanted to become independent, but instead became absolutely dependent on Western donors and on the United States,” the MP told the newspaper.

The fact that Ukraine currently remains in the focus of international attention and effort must be blamed primarily on the Kiev authorities. It is they who allowed the situation to slide into full-scale war and could not find their own solutions to contradictions that caused so many deaths and that drove tens of thousands from Ukrainian territory,” Pushkov stated.
