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30 Jul, 2016 10:50

Brexit vs Reality: How implications of voting 'leave' changed before & after referendum

Brexit vs Reality: How implications of voting 'leave' changed before & after referendum

The EU elite are very fond of accusing others of spreading 'disinformation' and 'lies' around Europe. To this end they invest millions of Euro's annually in information campaigns.

However, a cursory check of statements, made before and after the vote, about the implications of Brexit suggests that Eurocrats, British, French and German politicians, not to mention the IMF, are themselves masters of the dark arts of "black PR."

Take a look at these five examples.

1. March 3rd - (The Guardian) Economy minister suggests Paris could tear up treaty allowing UK police to operate in France, as Cameron meets Hollande.


and then

Jun 29th - (The Daily Mail) Hollande says Britain can keep border agents in Calais after breakthrough on trade deal in boost for hopes of a smooth exit from EU.


2. Jun 15th - (The Sun) George Osborne threatens to force through a ‘punishment’ Budget with £30bn tax hikes and cuts if UK backs Brexit.


and then...

27th June - (The Independent) George Osborne says he'll delay 'punishment budget' as pound slumps to new 31-year low.


and then again...

Jul 14th, his successor (same party, was Foreign secretary at the time of first statement) -
(The Daily Mail) New Chancellor Philip Hammond says 'Britain is open for business' and promises there will NOT be an emergency Brexit budget threatened by Osborne.


3. April 22nd - (The Independent) Barack Obama says UK will go to 'back of the queue' for US trade deals if Britain leaves EU.


and then...

Jul 8th - (The Daily Express) Obama's administration says Britain will NOT be at the 'back of the queue' in trade deal.


4. Jun 10th - (The Guardian) No single market access for UK after Brexit, Wolfgang Schäuble says.


In Der Spiegel interview, German finance minister rules out Britain’s chances of enjoying bloc benefits from outside EU.


July 5th - (The Sun) German minister admits Osborne recruited Germany to SCARE Britain into Remain vote.

Minister admits he only used the phrase 'out is out' at the 'request of the UK Treasury'.


5. May 13th - (The Guardian) Brexit would prompt stock market and house price crash, says IMF.
Christine Lagarde backs Bank of England governor’s claim that Britain could enter recession after vote to leave EU.


and then..

Jun 29th - (The Guardian) FTSE 100 now above pre-Brexit vote levels.


Rise of more than 3.5 percent adds nearly £60bn to the value of Britain’s top 100 companies.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.
