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10 Jul, 2010 21:23

Serbia is under endless pressure

Serbian police have arrested the wife of Bosnian-Serb wartime military chief Ratko Mladic, who is wanted by The Hague tribunal for war crimes.

Mladen Obradovic, the general secretary for the Serb patriotic movement Obraz, believes this arrest is part of political pressure being applied on the family of Mladic in order to bring him to The Hague tribunal.“Unfortunately, what they [Serbian government] are doing now is not in the true interest of the Serbian people,” he said. “The majority of the Serbian people are against The Hague tribunal. They believe that Ratko Mladic should never surrender to The Hague tribunal.”Commenting on the rumors that the general is already dead, as he was already seriously ill when he disappeared 15 years ago, Obradovic agreed that this is possible, but in any case the general’s death “will not mean the end of pressure on Serbia.”Balkans analyst Marco Gasic believes that the Hague Tribunal is not really the place to be looking for justice.“The key factor in achieving stability in the Balkans is not to present a one-sided explanation of the war and that’s what the Hague Tribunal is there for,” says Mr. Gasic, pointing out that the Hague is not an impartial legitimate international court, but a body promoting US interests.“The US as part of its campaign to achieve full spectrum dominance wants also to control the past, because if it controls the appearance of the past, it can control the appearance of the present. And we are seeing that today, and it can then control the appearance of the future. It is a big interest for the US to present these events in a way that justifies US policy. Unfortunately for the world, that means that the US policy of bombing those that it doesn’t like or the areas or against whom it has an interest in acting will be extended to other areas of the world.”Watch the full interview with Marco Gasic
