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12 Apr, 2007 20:37

Russian press review, 12.04.07

Russian press review, 12.04.07

The Russian press focuses on the ongoing political crisis in Ukraine, discusses Russia's chances of joining the World Trade Organization in the not-so-distant future and explores Moscow’s real estate market.

Nezavisimaya Gazeta features an interview with the head of the Ukranian Parliament, Aleksandr Moroz, whom it calls one of the key figures in the country's political system. The daily quotes Moroz as saying the most important thing in the current situation is to stick to the Constitution and not bring the conflict out to the streets. He believes the rivalry between the President and the Parliament remains, and Moroz says it is because many Ukranian politicians have become too ambitious and have lost the skill to compromise, something, he says, vital for anyone in power.

Vremya Novostey discusses Russia's chances of joining the World Trade Organization in the not-so-distant future, where the main obstacle, according to the daily, is the stance of the U.S. The newspaper describes the American position as “inconsistent” because if Washington was previously pledging its support for Russia, it is now saying the country “might not be ready ” for it yet. The daily says Washington's main concern is the situation with protecting copyright in Russia. The U.S., explains the newspaper, thinks Russia is not dealing with video piracy tough enough, while Moscow claims it is doing everything necessary.

Trud explores the Moscow real estate market. It says that according to Russia's largest insurance company, prices for apartments in the Russian capital are expected to fall 20% by the end of the year. However, the paper warns muscovites not to get too excited, as the real estate market in the city is one of the world's most unpredictable. It explains that one of the reasons the prices might go down is because more and more Russians are buying property abroad, for example, in London. Trud says this is what is driving prices in Moscow down, while increasing those in the British capital, where the extra demand has caused house prices to increase by over 30% in the last year.

And finally, in line with it being Friday 13, Novye Izvestiya examines the phenomenon of horror films and why they are so popular. The daily quotes experts who say a desire to watch a horror is similar to that of a drug addiction, as it can cause serious mental and physical harm to a person. It says in Russia scary movies have never been extremely popular, whereas, for example, in the U.S. over 30% of adults watch them everyday.
