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8 Mar, 2007 21:36

Russian press review, 09.03.07

Russian press review, 09.03.07

The Russian press considers Poland’s plans to hold  summit of countries interested in oil supplies bypassing Russia, interviews ex-leader of Rodina faction in the Duma Sergey Glaziev, discusses the challenge of the aging population.

Kommersant interviews the former leader of the faction Rodina (that has transformed itself into the Motherland-National Patriotic Union)  in the State Duma Sergey Glaziev. He told the paper about his intention to leave politics.  Glaziev  believes that under the present powerful vertical rule the political influence on the leadership is no longer effective. Therefore, he has decided to return to intensive work in the Academy of Sciences to be able to impact the ruling authorities intellectually.

A business paper, Vedomosti, looks at  Poland’s eventual attempt to hold the summit of countries interested in oil supplies from Central Asia to Europe bypassing Russia. Multiple oil transshipment makes this project uncompetitive  compared with the oil transfers via Russia. However, an expect says,  the interest in this project keeps rising against the background of growing mistrust between Russia and EU.  The project’s success depends on Kazakhstan and Ukraine and they are likely to back it up, as the experts foresee.

And in another article Vedomosti writes Lehman Brothers, a leading world investment bank, is returning to Russia. According to the daily’s expert, this comeback is a milestone event for they lost quite a lot in Russia in the 1998 financial crisis and believed they would never return.
Gazeta reports Russia has allocated $11 MLN to help developing countries with food. Another $10 mln will go to liquidate the consequences of natural disasters. In 2007, Russia will supply  essentials to Tajikistan, Armenia,  Sudan, Kenya, Indonesia and Cuba.  The paper goes on to say, Russia will also share its experience in supplying medicine of emergencies. And this year the Moscow region will host the exercises of the international medical rescue forces.

And finally Moskovskiy Komsomolets claims not global warming, not the exhaustion of natural resources or the stand-off between the developed and the weak countries will be the most urgent challenge by 2020. In fact, it is aging population will come into focus in 2020, when  the number of pensioners will reach  the number of workers. And it’s still unclear how humanity will secure its normal life. However, adds the daily, the society will change irreversibly as a result of global ageing.
