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7 May, 2007 00:29

Media Mirror 07.05.07

Media Mirror 07.05.07

Russian newspapers on Monday gave prominence to the French Presidential elections. There are also forthcoming Presidential elections in Armenia, political unrest in Eastern Europe concerning Soviet War monuments and much more.

KOMMERSANT DAILY reports that although different French newspapers describe the victory of Nicolas Sarkozy in different words, but there are two common concerns: a possible new wave of unrest which might be bad for France and his proclaimed pro-Americanism, which might in turn be bad for Russia.

A Truce Mixed With Blood – that is the title of a front page article in VREMYA NOVOSTEI, it is about the war memorial conflict in Estonia. The paper says that Estonian authorities fear new clashes on Victory Day, which is celebrated in Russia on May 9. Many newspapers turn to this topic, some concentrate on the new Presidential Decree on War memorials, which is going to include the maintenance and protection of graves of Russian soldiers abroad. Others stress the economic consequences of the conflict with Russia which Estonia is already beginning to feel.

ROSSYISKAYA GAZETA has an exclusive interview with President Serge Sarkisian of Armenia, where parliamentary elections are due on May 12. The Armenian President says that the elections are going to be clean and honest, and that international monitors are welcome:

“For Armenian authorities it is most important to gain trust of our citizens. Therefore we do our best to make the elections honest, on the level required by international standards.”

When he was asked about a possibility of a “colour” revolution in his country, Mr Sarkisian responded:

“All ”colour“ revolutions have a distinctive anti-Russian character. The majority of the Armenian population is pro-Russian. We do not have a social base for such a revolution.”

TRUD newspaper publishes the picture of a vehicle from Odessa in Ukraine. It is a hybrid in the most literal sense of the word – between a motorcycle and a bathtub. Roman Bilyk, the designer and pilot of this monstrosity has made a solo motorcycle trip to Vladivostok and another one, to Prague – on normal motorcycles. The hybrid was supposed to be finished in time for April Fools Day, but failed. Now, however, Roman is driving it to Kiev at 40 km/h. The bathtub can make 60, but it becomes difficult to stop, says Roman.

Newspaper people like to have fun with their headlines. VREMYA NOVOSTEI has a small piece on the third page titled: The President Has Agreed to the Third Term. Apparently he did – for it is talking about the third term of Boris Gromov as Governor of the Moscow Region.
