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24 Apr, 2022 09:01

Trump weighs in on Biden Easter Bunny incident

The former US president said Joe Biden was acting “bewildered”
Trump weighs in on Biden Easter Bunny incident

Former US President Donald Trump has suggested that his successor, Joe Biden, was “taking orders” from the Easter Bunny. Biden has been mocked online for being whisked away by a person in a bunny suit while talking to a reporter.

Trump ripped into his successor during a speech in Delaware, Ohio on Saturday, where he was campaigning for Republicans for this November’s midterm elections.

“He’s shaking hands with the air. He’s walking around somewhat bewildered – I’d say it’s no good – and taking orders from the Easter Bunny. You saw that one?” the 45th president said.

“You know, the Easter Bunny was a political operative. He did a good job actually. We should hire that guy.”

Trump was referring to a viral moment at the White House Easter Egg Roll on Monday, when a person in an Easter Bunny costume suddenly approached Biden from behind as the president was answering a reporter’s question about Afghanistan, and abruptly escorted him away. The scene spurred memes and mockery on social media.

Opponents often ridicule the 79-year-old president for his gaffes and behavior at public events.

During a visit to North Carolina last week, Biden moved his hand at the end of a speech in a manner that some observers described as “shaking hands with thin air.” Fact-checking website PolitiFact, however, argued that Biden was merely “gesturing towards the audience.”

The president made a similar hand gesture after a speech in Seattle on Friday.

Trump had his own viral Easter Bunny moment in 2017. He gave a speech from the White House balcony while being flanked by former First Lady Melania Trump and an Easter Bunny with cartoonish, oversized glasses.
