Chopper shop: Indian welder crafts makeshift helicopter using car parts (VIDEO)

10 Feb, 2016 16:28

An Indian mechanic has realized his dream to soar like a bird by constructing his own makeshift helicopter - out of car parts.

Chandra Sharma is normally found mending broken down vehicles in his village of Shyamjuli, northeast India.

But the 40-year-old welder has turned his skills towards fashioning a two-person helicopter, powered by the diesel engine of a seven-seater SUV.

According to ANI Multimedia, Sharma has called the helicopter ‘Pawan Putra’. He plans to set his son on the flight path to becoming a pilot.

The engine is from a Tata Sumo SUV, described by manufacturers as one of India’s “most affordable” people carriers.

The boxy SUV has also suffered from noise issues. So, Sharma probably won’t be using it to launch covert US Navy Seal missions to weed out Al Qaeda terrorists in neighboring Pakistan anytime soon...