Mis-step: Driver confuses stairway for road (VIDEOS)

12 Aug, 2017 16:38 / Updated 7 years ago

A driver in Chile narrowly escaped injury when she drove down a stairway leading to an office building. Parked on the steep steps she leapt from her car, just before it stumbled down the rest of the way, crashing through glass.

Video of the incident, filmed in the Vitacura area, shows the driver coming to a sudden stop when she realizes her error. As she steps out of the car it quickly bounces down the remaining steps before crashing into a glass door.

Witness Alexis Azar Massú‏ tweeted that she believed the steps led to underground parking area. RT.com reached out to Massú who provided permission to use his video.

CCTV footage shared by Massú‏ shows the driver being helped out of the car. As she steps out the car suddenly descends. It is not known if the handbrake was deployed.